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ZaKaiRan's Blog

Dancing Between Heaven and Earth

with ZaKaiRan

How to live in the new world as a Master of Divine Reality and Unity Consciousness

How to create a completely new world of Divine Grace, Joy and Harmony and keep your sanity doing it, while the rest of the world lives in the old world of fear and separation. (Or becoming at peace with being insane).

To accomplish this “monumental” task, you must enter a state of true inner Divine peace, love and power – a state of higher consciousness that lives beyond the world of fear, that knows the world of form is transitory and can change at any moment.

Many people on this earth, like myself, and the divine family that I work and play with (plork), are already living this heavenly reality full of fun, adventure, love, gentility, tenderness, prosperity, divine support, and divine power.

And it is our choice what reality we wish to interact with, energize and build, just as it is the choice of every person on earth, to create whatever reality they desire. Most people live in various states of fear, consciously and unconsciously, and it is our job to support them to enter a different level of consciousness, to walk through the doorway of Divine Presence and remember their divinity.

In this Teleclass, through compassion and knowing, we will become empowered to truly support our fellow brothers and sisters to remember and embody their magnificence.

I hope you will join us for this Dancing between Heaven and Earth Teleclass with ZaKaiRan and the Family of Light to become an empowered dancer of divinity, truth, love and joy!

This blog was written for the 2012 – The Wake Up Call! - Teleclass Series #12 with ZaKaiRan

The Co-Creation of a New Civilization of Love, Light and Unity


The Audio from this Teleclass is available for purchase here
CDs & Free Audios of ZaKaiRans Divine Life Mastery Playshops

ZaKaiRan's Power of Joy & Divine Life Creation Mastery TeleClasses & Playshops


©ZaKaiRan AatKa'Nui SheeHan

This article is copyrighted by ZaKaiRan, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included and nothing is deleted.
Earth Ascension Times - www.ZaKaiRan.com

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