There I Fixed It! Epic Kludges and Jury Rigs
Joke Pictures, Comics and other Funnys
Muslim of the Year
Mystery of the Mayan Calendar Revealed
New Zero Tolerance Speed Camera
With the road toll continuing to increase each year, especially around the Christmas Holiday period, this will be the first year that Zero Tolerance Speed Cameras will be introduced in December gearing up to the holiday period.
The new cameras look different to the normal cameras, so I have included a photo, as an attachment to this email, so that you are familiar with them and able to make sure not to speed when approaching.
Please take this warning seriously as you will not get another chance.
What Bad Kids got for christmas
when you're in deep trouble, say nothing and look inconspicuous
Lost it in Space courtesy of Skansen Giftware Australia (02-9427-2000, USA 773-772-8693
Tatoo of the Year
Merry Christmas from Jesus, Santa and the South Park Boys