The Master Keys of Creation How to be the Unlimited Master of Creation that you truly are, And literally make all of your Dreams come true! |
And Please Subscribe to My Podcast Channel |
If you appreciate the amazing guidance that I have provided
your Master Key of Alignment to your Natural State Your Master Stress-Relief & Ease Creation Tool! Got a busy mind that won’t stop? Meditate! Feeling overwhelmed, stressed…
How to Easily & Joyfully Manifest your Delicious Desires into Your Physical Reality! Step 1) Let life’s contrast of unwanted things inspire your desires for wanted things. Step 2) Allow yourself to freely desire whatever you want that you believe will make you feel better. Step 3) Get happy, regardless of the conditions in your life, and regardless, if you have your desires physically, or not! Step 4) Because you’re happy regardless of conditions, your happiness is a vibrational match to your joyful desires, so, they are on their way to you! Step 5) Just have fun allowing the Universe to do its work of bringing you your desires! Step 6) Take Inspired Action!
6 Master Keys of Wealth & Abundance How to Create Wealth and an Abundance of Things into your Life #1) Find joyful things in your life that you already have and that already exist all around you. #2) Appreciate the unconditional abundance of support you have from your own Source. #3) Edify other people’s wealth and success. #4) Become an allower of abundance, not a fighter! #5) Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want! #6) Understand your purpose in life, which is to have fun!
Appreciation - The Highest Vibration! Building a Momentum of Appreciation, for the Joy of it!
Everyone is an Enlightened Master! Everyone is an Ascended Master! Divine Light Images - Ascended Master Pictures, Angels…and other Divine Images
The Entire Universe Revolves Around Me! I Am the Creator of My Own Universe!
Because the only reason you want success, (or anything for that matter), is to be happy! So, if you’re happy, then you are already a success!!!
How To Attract That Delicious Lover You Desire! A Law of Attraction Game-Plan to get into the optimal vibrational state, to attract that delicious, juicy lover! As well as anything else you desire to create in your life!
How to become empowered to be, do and have, whatever you want! How to consciously create more money, better relationships, Using very simple success principles!
You Don’t Need to be a Vampire to Live Forever! Because you’re already immortal! Or, why are we so fascinated by vampires?
10 Master Keys of Relationship, Dedicated to everyone out there struggling with that “nemesis” we call "Relationship"!
Love & Relationship do not have to be a struggle! And heartbreak is not inevitable or necessary! And you literally can attract the lover of your dreams! But you must be a vibrational match to that love, to attract them. And contrary to what humans wrongfully believe, no one has the power to negatively affect you in any way! No lover, boss, parent, child, sibling or partner, etc., can actually negatively affect your mood and make you sad or angry, unless you react in a negative way, because you believe you need other people to act in certain ways so that you can be happy and vice versa! And the absolute key to your freedom, empowerment and fulfillment, is to cut out the middle-man, and just be happy, regardless of what anyone else is doing! And to love yourself and other people, regardless if they love you or not! |
Mind Your Own Freaking Business! The Master Key to Creating a Life of Never-Ending Joy, Well-Being, Abundance & Fulfillment
The number 1, absolute Master Key to creating a life of constant and never-ending joy, peace, well-being, abundance & fulfillment, Otherwise, you’re putting yourself in an extremely powerless position, because you’re relying upon what everyone else is doing determine how you’re going to feel. And so, you’ve got to manipulate and control the entire population of planet earth to act in pleasing ways so that you can be happy! But fear not, your liberation is at hand, because you don’t have to rely upon everyone else acting in pleasing ways so that you can be happy, |
The Essence of True Enlightenment! Embracing the Joys & Wonders of Being Physical!
True enlightenment, is not transcending physicality, but embracing the sensuality, and joy, of being physical, without relying upon conditions of the physical world, determine how you are going to feel! In other words, being unconditionally happy! Which is being happy regardless of how many happy conditions, or unhappy conditions there are in your life! In other words, you don’t let external conditions determine how you’re going to feel! Which means connecting to the part of your that is always happy regardless of physical conditions, which is the non-physical part of you – your Source-Self! |
There is no “right way” and you can do no wrong!!! Because there is no such thing as a pure, or virtuous, or pleasing way to assuage Source’s supposed insecurities, which of course, it has none! Source does not ever ask anyone to prove their worthiness, or purity, etc., because Source is 100% Unconditional in nature! And never ever, judges anyone for any reason! Because YOU ARE Source! And it is ludicrously illogical for Source to judge itself! And there isn’t any need for an outside judge anyway, because we all create our own realities, with the Law of Attraction, And regardless of whatever you are focused upon, the Universe, and the Law of Attraction, |
The Cosmic Joke
The 3 Master Keys to help you create the joyful success, health & wealth you desire are: And #2) Always take the path of least resistance, which is the path of most allowance, and the path of most joy and fun! And #3) Choose to feel good, above all other things!!! |
Some people believe that life on planet earth is getting worse and the apocalypse is right around the corner, But, in the grand scheme of creation, it is impossible for things to get worse,
How to Make Money while you Sleep!
The Road to Fun, Freedom & Fulfillment
It’s No One Else’s Job to Like You or Love You, It is not anyone else’s job to like, love, honor and respect you! And it's not your job to like, love, honor and respect other people either!
It’s All About Feeling – Not Doing! It’s all about feeling good! Because the only reason you want anything, is to feel good and be happy! And the only reason you are here on earth, is for the Joy of Creation! To Manifest your Dreams into Physical Reality! Not to prove your worth! But just for the sheer joy and adventure of it!
Your Unlimited All-Powerful Divine Ability, to Dream Anything into Physical Reality!
How to be unconditionally happy, Most people are addicted to using external conditions to create happiness, rather than just being happy regardless of external conditions, which is a disempowering way to live, because conditions are always changing and you don’t have any control over external conditions. The only conditions you have any creative control over is your own thoughts and therefore your own vibration, and therefore your own feelings. And by thinking good-feeling thoughts, you can create happy feelings, regardless of external conditions, and therefore, create whatever you want in your life with those good-feeling thoughts. Because the steps to create what you want is: get happy, which attracts happy things! Not, get happy things, so that you can be happy! |
How to create a happy internal environment, to manifest a happy external environment! |
The nature of creation is constant and never-ending improvement, growth and expansion!
Or, we’re here for the desire and the adventure of creating those desires, And you are the masterpiece you are creating!
4 Law of Attraction Psychology Principles
Law of Attraction Psychology Principle #1 All any one wants is to be happy! And the only way to be truly happy, is to focus on good-feeling things! Things that you are easy to like, love and appreciate. And pay no attention to things that you don’t like, love and appreciate! Law of Attraction Psychology Principle #2 (Addendum to #1) Don’t talk about your problems!!!!!! Only talk about solutions! Don’t talk about what you don’t like and don’t want, talk about what you do like and do want! Law of Attraction Psychology Principle #3 Give up your desperate need to be heard and understood! And give up your co-dependent need for your partner, lover, friends, family, etc., to act in pleasing ways to make you happy! Law of Attraction Psychology Principle #4 (Addendum to #3) It is not your partner, lover’s, husband’s, wife’s, children’s, parents, relatives, friends, co-workers, bosses’, |
How to feel good all the time, by caring about how you feel more than anything else!
How to be happy whether you have what you want or not. And then, get what you want!
You are the Dreamer & you are the Dream! You are the Creator and you are the Creation! |
How to be happy whether you have what you want or not. And then, get what you want!
How to have the Perfect Relationship! Four Master Keys to Create Happy, Easy & Fulfilling Relationships! And if you follow these relationship keys, you will experience a life of non-stop joy, well-being and abundance! Master Key #1) You and you alone, are responsible for your own happiness, health, well-being & prosperity! Master Key #2) Only focus on other people’s positive qualities! Master Key #3) Make feeling good the most important thing in your life! Master Key #4) Love and happiness does not come from other people!
The Magic of Christmas is YOU!!!
The 4 Most Important Questions in Life These questions are: *Who Are You? And, Why Are You Here?
Evolutionary Perceptions of God
Contrast is Priceless!
Thought Alchemy
The Two Magic Keys to Make Your Dreams Come True! And as soon as you master these keys of success, you can and will make all of your dreams come true!
Why the ET's are Watching Us!
The Step-by-Step Process
Everything You Want, You Already Have!
How to be a Conscious Deliberate Creator of Reality,
How to Create Financial Freedom Or, Wealth can be Easy & struggle is optional! By ZaKaiRan
How to "Heal" your "Issues" Q & A with ZaKaiRan
The Two Most Powerful Keys to your The Ultimate Keys to getting what you want and fulfilling your purpose here on earth!
Life is a Game! And You Can Win!
How To Maintain Your Sanity
I AM 100% in Control of My Health,
Mistakes are Opportunities! Not Failures!
This is a Universe of Desire! As Abraham has said, the mantra of the Universe is more! And this infinite diversity that exists, naturally causes choice and preferences. It inspires within everyone, desires for improvement. And more importantly, desires for greater levels of joy and fun! Because that is why we are really here on earth, for the joy of creation! We are not here to fix the earth or save humanity! Nothing and no one is broken or faulty! Everything and everyone is perfect just how it is, and the co ntrast of what appears to be broken or faulty, naturally causes us to desire improvement, and inspires us to create that improvement into our lives!
Joy = God Consciousness In this video I reveal the most simple and easy key to achieve a state of God-Consciousness, a state of connection to God/Source/The Universe/All-That-Is, which is to… just be happy! To just be in joy! To focus on things that make you happy to think about them and talk about them and focus on! Very simple and very easy! So, you can throw out all of those ideas about decades of study, prayer and meditation! Just let it all go and start having fun! Because Gods and Goddesses just want to have fuuun! That's all they really waaaaant!...
The 3 Master Keys to Creating What You Want! In this Video, I give you the 3 ultimate keys, the wrap up, in a very simple easy to follow 3-step process, And the great thing about these Master Keys of Success is, they have nothing to do with anyone else but you! So, there are not a hundred pieces on the board that you have to keep track of and try to manage. And as soon as you can do that, every single one of your dreams can and will come true! |
The Best Masters are the Best Students! And the only way to be a master of anything, is to become a Master Student! What is your teachability quotient? In other words, how open, teachable, and coachable are you? Only a student who has this diligence will become a Master! And a Master is always seeking ways to improve themselves!
Life is Supposed to be a FUN GAME! Because that is exactly how life is supposed to be, and can be, as soon as you stop taking life so seriously, Happiness, Joy, Fun, and Play, are the Keys to your Liberation!!! Hard work and struggle and proving your worth, are NOT the pathway to Joy! A happy result only comes from a happy journey and in this Video/Video,
In this video, I give you the absolute joyful master key of relief, of knowing that you don't have to focus any of your attention at all upon the past! And your joy, abundance, love and freedom, only lies in your present! And the key to creating an amazing, joyful, loving and abundant life, is to maintain that future focus by delighting in the joyful desire of being, doing and having what you want and experiencing more of the wonderful things you have in your life now! |
Your Power is in your Now! How to be Happy and create whatever you want in your life, regardless of the dramas and traumas of your past, In this video, I show you that regardless of the dramas and traumas of your past, regardless of how much lack of support you have received, Regardless of how many NOs you have received or told yourself, you have the choice and the power to say YES NOW!
The Master Key of Happiness
In this video, I give you the simple, fun, easy to do, Keys of Success, that when mastered, give you the gift of complete liberation from the shackles of disappointment and regret, that are keeping you from achieving the happiness, fulfillment, freedom and prosperity you desire, I also show you the real purpose and power of meditation, which is to enter an allowing and inspired state, to receive inspiration, and creative ideas… |
A Funographic Expose' of the Law of Attraction In this video, I give you the dirty nasty secrets of the Law of Attraction, and how to master the ability to create what you want in your life, Because when you have an amazing lover and you're really in tune with each other, you want to make love forever! And you enjoy every stroke, kiss and lick, in every moment, and even though the manifestation of your desire is the goal, (or the orgasm, so to speak), And you almost don't want your desire to manifest, (or the proverbial orgasm to come), because you want the adventure to last forever! And that is how life really is! A never-ending adventure of creation! And the delicious nectar of life is the adventure of creating our desires, not having our desires! |
All are Called to Their Greatness
In this video, I reveal the Ultimate Secret, hidden by the lies of limitation, that you are Unlimited in Every Way! You are completely 100% Empowered, right now, to literally create anything you desire! You have just been sold an entire novel of lies, that the opposite is the truth: that you are unworthy, and powerless, and not good enough, etc. But, out of great lies and adversity, is born immense greatness! And your Unlimited Power is calling you to it, right now! And never stops calling you to it! The question is, are you listening? And if you are listening, are you following your inspiration? And are you taking action, and heading towards your dreams and desires? Or, are you fighting against them, and trying to prove your worth, that you deserve them… and therefor, fighting against yourself? |
The 4 Master Keys to Being Happy Every Day
Losers Criticize - Winners Edify! In this video, I talk about one of the most Powerful Keys of Success, which is to pay zero attention to what you don't like, love and appreciate, It is the Success Key of Edification, where you build people, things and situations up, rather than tear them down! Because whatever you sow, you shall reap! Sow goodness, and you will reap goodness! But sow judgment, criticism and condemnation and that is what you will reap more of in your life! |
The 7 "Slight Edge" Secrets of Success
7 Master habits of success from self-development master Jeff Olson, author of the ultimate success manual "The Slight Edge", And if you follow these 7 habits of success, your success is virtually inevitable! Nay - it is absolutely guaranteed! Because the Slight Edge Principle is the ultimate blueprint for success! These keys of success are easy to do, but they are easy not to do. Which is why most people are struggling rather than succeeding at life. So, if you are driven and committed to making your Dreams come true,
then enjoy this video, "The 7 Slight Edge Secrets of Success! |
The Most Powerful Decision of your Life!
So, if you prefer to create prosperity, love and joy in your life, over its polar opposite, then enjoy this video, and master the profound insights within, |
Allowance & Resistance Allowance and Resistance is the single door with 2 choices. The 2 choices that every single soul on earth is confronted with in every moment of their lives, which is to allow the joy, love and abundance you desire, or to resist the joy, love and abundance you desire. And mastering the art of allowance, is the ultimate Master Key to your Success and Happiness! It is the key to creating everything you desire to be, do, or have, in your life, to be happy, abundant, and lead a life of love and joy!
How to Escape the Rat Race Prison In this video, I give you the secret of getting out of the "rat race" and being a slave to the system! And instead of working for money, you get money working for you! Because if you don't learn how to make money while you sleep, you'll have to work until you die! I show you how to take the "Red Pill" and get out of the Matrix, and take control of your life!
In this video, I show you that lack only exists in your mind and this is a planet of abundance and well-being, not scarcity and disease! Because wherever your attention goes – grows! So, what will your garden be full of? Vegetables, or weeds? |
In this video, I give you another Master Key of Success, which is the proper sequence of success to creating your desires into your physical reality, Then take inspired action! Then allow and expect your desires to come to you. And then, you will Be, Do & Have what you want in your life! But the sequence of success is be happy first, then you will do and have what you want. But that pattern is the pattern of unhappiness and ultimate failure - not happiness and success! |
In this video I give you a priceless Secret of Success and Happiness, You think that what you want is the money, or the relationship, or the success, or the prize…, but the real prize that you're looking for, is to feel good! And feeling good is the Magic Key that will also get you want you want, because what you want is to feel good! |
Natural Selling & Success Coaching
In this video, I show you how today’s sales and marketing techniques, and today’s modern sales person, functions in the same way as a success teacher. And as a self-development coach, and even, a spiritual teacher, and so-called “healers”, who all create a space for the student, or the client, to discover their own power. Each of these professions, finds out needs and helps the client or student achieve their desire, by influencing them to believe they can achieve them. All healthy leadership relationships, are built upon the “Power of Influence”, where someone has what you want, and who has been where you are, whether that is knowledge, wealth, health, great relationships, creativity, spiritual awareness, success keys, business knowledge, etc. They have some sort of awareness level that you don’t have yet. They know the pathway to follow to get you where you want to go. And it is a natural evolution for anyone who has attained a certain high level of mastery and awareness, to then become a guide, mentor and teacher, of what they have learned on their adventure of awareness. So, regardless of your profession, if you are in any way, in a position where others look to you for guidance, because you are an authority about something, or have a great deal of experience about something, then you are a “Person of Influence”. Or, if you desire to become a person of influence, for your own success and to help other people succeed and be happy, healthy and wealthy in life, then you will gain great insights from this. |
The Power of Influence - 2
In this 21st century, there is a new breed of business person; it is the influential entrepreneur. Who sells supportive valuable services, training and products, that improve the quality of people's lives. Where the customer, or the client's needs, are the most important factor, not the needs of the seller. The influential entrepreneur is a fulfiller of dreams, a self-development trainer, a business hacker, and a natural seller, who sells by influence, not persuasion. The natural seller is a firm proponent of the "side-gig", to get out of the rat-race, and get to a place of freedom. Influential entrepreneurs are relatively unemployable, they must have their own business, because that is the only way to achieve freedom. Whereas, freedom is not typically possible in a classic employment situation. And you would do well for yourself and your family to listen to these influential leaders so that you can create a happy and prosperous life for you and your family. So, if you're the kind of person who wants more out of life than the 'slavery" of the 9 to 5 job, |
The Priceless Value of Contrast Aka the "Shit Principle" How to embrace problems, challenges, conflict, lack, unlikeable and undesirable things in life, In this video, I give you the Golden Ticket to your Quantum Empowerment, to Powerfully and Easily, Create your Dreams and Desires, into your physical reality! By recognizing your Immense Power of Creation, that if you can create sh*t in your life, you can also create flowers in your life! Because clarity from what you don't want, gives you immense clarity about what you DO want! And your liberation lies in now, solely focusing on what you Do like and DO want, and valuing the contrast of what you don't want, because of the clarity it has given you about what you DO want!
Every Step is an Amazing Joyful Adventure! How to Manifest your Dreams & Desires into your Physical Reality, In this video, I give you another Golden Nugget of Success, to help you manifest your dreams and desires into your physical reality, by enjoying every single step of the journey and smelling the roses along the way! Because the prize is just the excuse to embark on the journey, to receive the prizes along the way!
The Key to Your Happiness & Success In this video, I give you the absolute Master Key that unlocks the Secret Door to your happiness, health, wealth, success & prosperity. And that master key is becoming a Master of Appreciation, "Appreciation is the secret to life. Become a person who appreciates, and you will thrive; you will fulfill your reason for being" - Abraham/Esther Hicks
The Key to Easily Creating Whatever You Want in Your Life! In this video, I give you another Master Key of Success, to help you more easily create and attract your dreams and desires to you, by choosing EASE over difficulty! By choosing Ease and Joy over struggle and hardship! And by creating positive "I CAN" momentum on a daily basis, that overrides the old "I can't, and life is difficult, and money and success is hard" etc., momentum you have built up from your years of stinkin thinkin!
How to Thrive & Prosper In this video, I give you another Secret of Success, to help you thrive and prosper on all levels, regardless of what insanity is going on in the world, or even in your own life! And how to be happy every day, even if you're surrounded by gloomy Guses! And the key is always to look for and find good-feeling thoughts and good-feeling things to focus on,
I Need Nothing, but I Want Everything! In this video, I give you an absolutely ground-breaking, spell-binding, immensely insightful and infinitely empowering dissertation, So, be prepared for Quantum Empowerment from this immensely powerful and enlightening teaching about your infinitely powerful,
I Am in Charge of my Own Happiness! In this video, I show you the disempowering trap that most people fall into, which is looking towards other people to act in certain ways to ensure your happiness. And forcing yourself to act in certain ways to ensure other people's happiness. And the key to your liberation and freedom from that prison, in order to experience the sweet relief from now being empowered to focus on your own happiness first, which then ensures you are filled up with joy, love and abundance, and then, you have lots of joy left over to bless other people's lives. Rather than living a life where you are constantly depleted energetically and emotionally because you are focused on pleasing everyone else over yourself. But your liberty is at hand! So, prepare for quantum empowerment as you learn how to be in charge of your own happiness! "If the way you feel depends on anything outside of you, you're in trouble-but if you depend only upon your connection with your Inner Being, then everything in your experience falls into alignment" - Abraham/Esther Hicks
'The Master Key to Create What You Want
In this video, I talk about how the Law of Attraction works and how the Key to Creating what you want in your life, is all about MOMENTUM, Or, how much contrary momentum you have going about what you DON’T want in your life! And whichever train you add fuel to, the bad-feeling, what-I-don’t-like or-don’t-want train, or, the good-feeling what-I-DO-like and DO-want train, So, which train do you feed on a daily basis? How much fuel are you adding to your bad-feeling train, or your good-feeling train? But if you are unhappy, unhealthy, and lacking in many aspects of your life, such as love and money, then you’ve been feeding the bad-feeling train! So, be prepared for Quantum Empowerment, as you learn how to feed your good-feeling train, to create a life of immense joy, love, abundance and freedom!
Protesting and the Law of Attraction In this video, I give you another profound key of creation about how, whatever you focus upon, good or bad, you will get more of that. And how great big contrast of what you DON'T like and DON'T want, creates great big growth and expansion about what you DO like and DO want!
How to Get Rich Serving Others
Most people believe they must do things they don't like doing in order to earn the money to be able to do things that they DO love doing! This is ass backwards! We are happy to part with our money if what we are paying for brings us joy! If it does not, we feel deceived and ripped off. And the people who make the most money on planet earth, are the ones that love what they are doing! And the more fun you can have, helping the most people also have fun, and the more value you can bring to other people's lives, that is how much money you will make, because that opens up a massive portal of abundance to serve that large amount of people. And you will benefit big time from that massive portal that you opened up on behalf of others. So, if you truly want to be financially free, and get really really rich, and have a wonderful time doing it,
The Law of Attraction
Every moment of your life, you are given the choice to take the proverbial “Red Pill” and embrace your power as a creator. Or, take the “Blue Pill”, and remain a helpless victim in the “Matrix”. It’s your choice to buy the propaganda that we are helpless victims to disease, crime, the police, greedy corporations, politicians, the economy, etc. Or, to make a quantumly more empowered choice that you are a completely 100% fully empowered creator of your own reality, |
The Ultimate Key of Success
In this video, I reveal the ground breaking, leading edge, top of the heap, A number 1, absolute ultimate key to help you achieve your dreams! There is no other factor that even comes close to the importance of belief to turning your desires into reality! Yes, belief that your desire is real and worth your effort, but most importantly is the factor of self-belief, believing you can do it! The process of success is that simple! Believe it and you will receive it. Or, as the classic quote from Success Master Napoleon Hill says, |
Desire is the Essence of all Creation
In this video, I give you another priceless jewel of quantum wisdom that is the key to your spiritual liberation, Because, contrary to standard “old school” Buddhist teachings, it is not desire that causes pain and suffering, it is focusing on the absence of your desires. But focusing on the realization of your dreams and desires, is the joyful delicious juice of life, and the key to your power, to creating anything you desire in your life! |
Burning Desire Or, Where I reveal the ultimate secret to creating a life of non-stop happiness and fulfillment! Which is to get very clear about what you want,
In this video I give you And how life, spirituality and creating what you want in life is simple and easy – not complicated and hard! |
In the immortal words of Jake and Elwood Blues, “I’m on a Mission from GOD! I’m on a mission to improve the lives of 10,000 people! I am on a quest to help 10,000 people create more Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment in their lives! I am on a mission to help 10,000 people to be financially free to travel the world with their friends and family! I’m on an adventure of fun and an expedition of Freedom, to help 10,000 people become financially free to be able to make their dreams come true! I’m on an expedition of fun to help 10,000 people create lives where they no longer have to work for a living, but instead, have fun for a living! Who wants to fire their boss? Who wants to fulfill their destiny? The foundation of the Universe is abundance and well-being, not lack and sickness! The Basis of Life is Freedom and infinite self-worth! It is not: “prove your worth by being virtuous and chaste, and by being a hard worker, sacrificing and struggling, etc.!” You are free to create whatever life you desire! Only you can make your dreams come true! But it is helpful to have a team of like-minded people backing you up! A master-mind of Fun and Freedom-minded people, who want the same things as you to support you on your Journey of Freedom. And this powerful mastermind, is already available to you to help you make your dreams come true. To help you achieve the freedom you desire and deserve! But you’ve got to take action! If you make no changes in your life, then nothing changes in your life! If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten! You can’t keep doing the same old crap over and over again and expect different results! So, who is with me? Who wants your life to improve? Who wants more Fun and Freedom in your life? Who wants to help 10,000 people radically improve their lives, by having more money, and more time, and more travel in their lives? Go to: www.ILoveFreedom.info and let’s get you traveling the world! Let’s get you the Freedom you deserve! Let’s make your Life a Holiday! Contact me now www.ILoveFreedom.info and let’s get you on the Road to Freedom! |
& the Top 5 Regrets of the Dying In this video, I reveal the Secret Key to unlocking your happiness so that you can be happy every day, no matter what is going on in your, or anyone's life! And how to lead a happy and fulfilling life, so that you are not full of regret when it's time to kick the bucket, because you didn't pursue your dreams!
The Secret Key of Enlightenment
In this video, I reveal the absolute Master Key that unlocks the door to achieving everything you want in life, Or, the state of “God-Consciousness”, where you feel one with everything, and at one with Source-God-All-That-Is and All o f Creation. It is a very simple key that is easy to achieve, and you don’t have to flagilate yourself, or meditate in a cave for 10 years to achieve it, because the key and the door is there for everyone to walk through anytime you choose. And you don’t have to earn or learn your way to be granted divine dispensation to enter the door. In fact, the door is always open to you, as long as you don’t close the door on yourself by trying to prove you’re deserve to be let in! Trying too hard, just closes the door, and that’s the trap that most people fall into, and so, the door seems like an impenetrable fortress, rather than just a simple doorway that is easy to open with 1 simple key, which is… Ha Ha, not yet! You’ve got to listen to the video, but I promise it will be worth it! |
A Divine Perspective
In this video, I reveal the naked truth about the concept of “loyalty”, and show you how it is impossible to actually be “loyal” to anyone else but yourself! You can’t be “loyal” to another person because you do not create their reality! And it is not your job or your mission in life to make anyone else happy! That is their job, because only they can create their own happiness! You may do things that are pleasing to others, but it is their reaction to your actions that makes them happy! So, it is actually impossible for you to directly make someone feel anything, whether that is happy, sad, or anything in between! So, get ready for quantum empowerment, as you connect to the essence of loyalty of your own Source, “To Thine Own Self Be True!” – William Shakespeare |
Life is like a vacation, because you don’t go on that holiday to just get it done!
You didn’t come to earth to just tick it off your list like it’s a bucket list item so you can say, “Been there, done that!” You came to earth for the experience of it! You didn’t come to earth to get some final result, as if you need to earn or learn your way into heaven – NO! You are in this body, on this earth, for the joy and fun of it! You are here for the eternal joy of creation! Life is supposed to be a holiday! Not a job! Life is not supposed to be hard work, and a struggle, and drudgery, and boring! Life is supposed to be easy and fun, and joyful, and abundant, and exciting! Life is supposed to be an adventure! You are here for the adventure of it, just like a vacation! You’re here for the amazing experiences and the amazing relationships! You are here for the excitement and passion of creating your desires into physical reality! You are here to make life fun! You are here to make life a vacation! You are here to make life a holiday! And life can be a non-stop exciting fun adventure, if you make it that way! |
Never Give Up on Feeling Good!
What separates the happy, creative, successful, wealthy, fulfilled champions from unhappy, unfulfilled, successful people, who struggle with most aspects of life? The answer is how they think and how they are focused, which is on good-feeling things or bad-feeling things. Successful, happy people, never give up on feeling good! Whereas, unsuccessful, unhappy people, never give up on feeling bad! Winners focus on gaining pleasure, upon achieving their dreams! They focus on what they can win, not on what they could lose! Whereas, “losers” focus on what they could lose, rather than upon what they can win! Winners focus on what they like, love and want. Whereas, losers focus on what they hate and don’t want! If you truly want to be happy, healthy and wealthy, and to lead a loving and fulfilling life, then, unless you are focused upon the number 1 most important thing in life, which is – feeling good! Unless that is your primary focus, you will not achieve the happy, healthy, wealthy and loving life, that you say you want! How can you get a happy result from an unhappy journey? It is impossible! You can’t get what you want by trying to get rid of what you don’t like, because your focus upon what you don’t like just creates more things in your life that you don’t like. So, to get what you want, which is to be happy, you’ve got to be focused every minute upon feeling good, which is good-feeling thoughts and good-feeling people, and creatures, and situations, etc., and upon things that are easy to love and appreciate. You must become a master of feeling good, So, be prepared for quantum empowerment as I give you another legendary self-empowering Master Key of Creation, to help you consciously, deliberately and easily, create the happy, healthy, wealthy and magical life you have come to earth to create! |
The Dream is All That Matters! A Master Key of Happiness & Success
All that matters is: what do you want, and are you having fun creating it into physical reality? Nothing else matters, because the Purpose of Life is JOY and Creation! You are here for no other reason than to desire improvement, and then consciously create that improvement into your reality! It is not your job to please anyone, or change anyone, or change the world, so that you can be happy! And it is no one else’s job to please you! It is your job to make yourself happy, no one else! And if you really want change in the world, you’ve got to change your world first! Because it is not the world’s responsibility to change so that you can be happy! |
In this video I break down the beliefs and perceptions that have created this so-called personality construct called the “ego”, which is built upon a list of lies and false beliefs. It is built upon a list of illusions that are all contrary to our natural divine nature, such as: doubt, and scepticism, and fear, and beliefs in the illusion of sin and unworthiness… that are all complete lies taught to us by well-meaning people, who believed these lies to be truth. But this so-called construct, called the ego, is a very fragile thing, because it not built upon anything real. So, it is easily toppled to the ground to reveal our true divine, unlimited, immensely-powerful, creative nature! So, be prepared for quantum empowerment, as your ego is shattered to dust! |
A Master Key of Success & Freedom
If you truly want to succeed in life, then you've got to become an excellent follower first, and know who to follow and seek guidance from. And, most of all, you've got to lead by example and show others that they too can create their desires into physical reality, and they can also be happy, and they can also create lives of immense joy, prosperity, well-being and freedom! |
How to Turn your Dreams into Reality
In this video I reveal the master keys of creating your dreams into physical reality, by getting clear about what you want, and then getting clear about why you want it! Because the only reason you want anything, is to feel good and feel better! Absolutely everything that everyone does is to feel good and feel better! Because the purpose of life is joy! And the basis of life is freedom! And you have the power within you to create anything that your heart desires, for the joy and fun of it! |
How much are your Dreams worth to you?
In this video I ask you the profound and extremely empowering question: How much are your dreams worth to you? Most people are more concerned about the price of their dreams, and so most people never achieve them because their focus is on lack and struggle. Whereas, the champions, who do great things and impress us all with their physical, mental, artistic or business prowess, And I reveal the absolute master key to your happiness and fulfillment, which is that when you have an intention that are driven to achieve and you are actively moving towards that dream, those are the times when you are the most fulfilled. Because we are all creators, here for the joy of creating our dreams and desires into physical reality. And even when you have not yet achieved your dream, you are most happy and fulfilled, and full of the juice of life, when you are pursuing them! So, why not start creating the freedom your desire now? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! |
Never Give Up & Always Surrender! 3 Master Keys of Happiness and Fulfillment
In this video I reveal 3 master keys of happiness and fulfillment. Number 1 being, the divine fact that it does not matter what traumatic thing you have experienced in your life, your past does not have to create your future! Because the past has nothing to do with your ability now to feel happy, regardless of the past! You have the power and freedom to be happy now, regardless of your present or past experiences, by thinking fresh new thoughts about what you want, love and appreciate, rather than banging the drum of what you don't like and don't want! The 2nd Key is letting go of the agreements we have made to make other people responsible for our happiness and making ourselves responsible for theirs! And the 3rd and final key to your happiness and fulfillment, is your ability to surrender to your natural state of love, appreciation, abundance, health, and wealth, |
In this video, I talk about the absolute cosmic fact that nothing that anyone does, Everything that everyone thinks, says, or does, only has to do with their beliefs and their perceptions, and has nothing to do with you personally! So, all the times you have felt unloved, abandoned, abused, disrespected, etc., has nothing to do with you! Those were just ideas you came up with because you have been taught to believe that it is other people's job to make you feel happy and loved. And you have been taught that is your job to make other people happy. But that is an impossible task! It only your job to make yourself happy! |
How to create what you want by minding your own business!
How to create your dreams and desires into your physical reality, by focusing on your own happiness, and your own desires, and getting your nose out of everyone else's business! Because no one else but you, creates your reality, and you don't need to try to get rid of what you don't like and don't want so you can be happy. You can be happy and prosperous regardless of what the economy is allegedly doing, or the governments or the corporations are doing, or your lover, friend, children, family, etc. are doing! What other people think, say, believe and do, does not create your reality, unless you let it! And what other people think, say and do, does not have to determine your happiness and abundance, unless you believe they do! It's your choice, you can be a reactor to what's going on around you and let everyone else determine how you're going to feel. Or, you can take charge of your own reality and be happy regardless of what anyone else doing! The former choice is the path most followed by humanity, but it is a pathway of disempowerment and unhappiness. Whereas, the latter choice, the path less travelled, is the empowered choice of self-mastery, and ultimately, it is a thousand times more fun! So, mind your own bees wax! |
You may think, at times, that life isn't fair and the chips are stacked against you. But however your life is, good or bad, that is of your own creation, based upon how you have been thinking. And life is actually completely fair across the board, and the Law of Attraction ensures that it is fair across the board, because everyone has the equal power within them to be, do and have, whatever they desire to create in their lives - without exceptions! There are no favorites in the universe! There are no "special" people that are granted more of their wishes, or given more luck than anyone else, because there is nothing and no one granting anything to anyone based upon anything other than their own individual thoughts and therefor their vibration! No one is a puppet on a string and no one is a victim! Every single person is responsible for the creation of their own realities, and you are either a conscious deliberate creator of your reality, consciously and deliberately choosing how you are going to think and feel. Or, you are an unconscious creator of reality, like most people on planet earth, based on how you react to what is manifesting in your life and on earth. So, unconscious creators of reality react to external stimuli. But conscious creators of reality pre-pave their way, to create whatever they want, regardless of what's going on around them. And it is your choice to wake up and Embrace your Power of Creation, or to stay a comfortably numb "victim", doing as you are told, to make everyone else happy, at the expense of your own happiness, and at the expense of your own dreams and desires. Everyone has dreams and desires, and the contrast of life, (what we experience that we don't like and don't want), ensures that we will always instantly launch rockets of desire for the improvement we desire, based upon that contrast. And your Dreams and Desires are always calling you towards them, so there is no escape from your dreams! You can "try" to leave your Dreams behind, and you can try to repress your desires, but they will always haunt you like the ghosts in "The Christmas Carol". And you are either heading towards your dreams and desires and feeling happy, or you are resisting their call and heading in the opposite direction and feeling bad. Because when you are heading towards your dreams and desires, those are the times that you will feel the most fulfilled, (even if you don't have what you want yet). Because you are a creator! And creators are most happy and fulfilled when they are actively creating their desires into physical reality! And the only difference between the extremely happy, successful, rich and free person, that has the freedom to do whatever they want. Or, the powerless, helpless, struggling depressed victim, is how much each person is willing to get out of their own way and allow the Universe to give them their dreams and desires without resisting them and trying to prove their worth to receive them! The difference is just how much of the blessings that you've asked for that you are allowing to rain down upon you! |
The Top 10 Reasons to Start an Online Business
We are in very troubled times! And financial security no longer exists! No one but you, is going to look after your financial security! If you’re not one of the millions who have already lost your job, it could be gone at any moment, (covid pandemic or not), due to countless economic factors that are outside of your control! So, it is more urgent than ever to get a side-gig going to ensure you and your family’s security! Something you can do on the side, that won’t interfere with what you’re currently doing. The most successful businesses on earth are online! And in this internet age, any traditional business that is not online, their days are numbered! So, why would you want to get an online business going? Here are the top 10 reasons most people get an online business. What would be your number 1 priority on this list? Write it down! Is it: * Travel? And write down the answers to these questions: And what do you have now in your life that is going to help you get what you want? These are the extremely life changing questions you need to be asking yourself, because whatever you are lacking in your life, and whatever you want more of, But I do know that for me, it was totally the answer to my prayers! And has radically improved the quality of my life on so many levels! It has given me financial freedom and time freedom. And it has introduced me to amazing new friends all over the world! It has given me absolutely priceless self-development training. And it has helped me be able to travel to places on earth that never would have previously thought possible! So, if you are intrigued about what has been such a blessing in my life and what it could possibly do for you, contact me now at www.ILoveFreedom.info And if it’s for you, great! You and I will lock arms and work and play together and help you make your dreams come true! But if it’s not for you, no worries, thanks for looking! But if you are passionate to create financial security for you and your family, where you have an economy proof business… And if you are passionate to create a life of non-stop Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment, |
The Ultimate Secret Or,
In this video, And I reveal the three levels of awakening and empowerment that everyone goes through, up the vibrational emotional scale, to the higher states of joy, love and unlimited well-being and abundance! And the stepping stones to take to get you there. And I reveal another "Ultimate Secret", the answer to the question of all questions, "Why are you here?" And the answer is the relief you have always been looking for! And this secret will set you free! |
My Life Journey of Travel and Adventure
Lost your job? Struggling financially? |
God/Source is not Separate from You!
In this video, I dispel the old ignorant beliefs that we are somehow separate from God/Source, and the misguided childish fantasy that we are puppets on a string, here to prove our worth to receive favor from some mythical vengeful petty "God", and not be cast into eternal hell-fire, (which doesn't exist, except in the movies). And I illuminate the Divine Truth, that we are all God/Source in human bodies, here for the joy of creation, and the delicious joy of desire, And we all have the complete unlimited power to create absolutely anything that we wish to create in our lives, and God/Source/the Universe (whatever you want to call it), is there 100%, poised and ready, to unconditionally give us anything and everything that we desire to be, do and have in our lives, |
Life is a Journey! Not a Destination!
In this video, I give you the absolute master key to not only creating whatever you want in your life, The real juice of life is channelling the Life-Force through you to consciously and deliberately create your desires into physical reality and delight in your awesome power, your awesome worthiness! |
In this video, I reveal the optimal way to talk to yourself and other people, to create alignment with what you want, to manifest what you want into your life, without blocking it from coming to you. Because you've got to become a vibrational match to your desires in order for them to manifest in your physical reality! And focusing on the good feelings of being, doing and having what you want, rather than the lack of what you want, is the key! |
The "Force" is always with you young Jedis!
How to Empower Yourself & Others
In this video I reveal the ultimate key to empowering you and other people by being the amazing prosperous, |
Life is Just an Indicator of Vibration
Everything that is currently in your life, or not in your life, is just an indication of your vibration, based on how you have been thinking. And nothing in your life is permanent and everything is in motion, and regardless of how things are in your life, |
Only quitters truly fail, because no matter how many "failed" attempts you have tried to succeed, as long as you haven't quit, then your journey of success is not complete! And even though you have not yet "succeeded" and gotten rich, or achieved the level of success you desire to reach, as long as you don't quit, and you keep going, and you keep swinging the bat and keep shooting for the goal… no matter how many times you miss, no matter how many NOs you get… So, get ready for quantum empowerment as you learn the priceless lesson to never ever give up on your dreams and desires and never ever quite pursuing them! Because you can't really ever give up on your dreams, because your dreams are always calling you to them. The question is, are you listening and are you following your inspiration to take action now? Because tomorrow never comes! There is only this now moment! And the present is where the power lies! And it doesn't matter how many years you have been repressing and denying your dreams,
In this video, Because every moment of every day already is a miracle, and the entire Universe is a miracle! And as soon as you understand that, So, get ready for quantum empowerment as you learn how to create miracles in your life and manifest your hopes, dreams and desires into your physical reality! |
My Journey of Empowerment and Clarity
For decades I have been tirelessly working as a success, spirituality, health and relationship coach, to help empower people to be able to create the life of their dreams. And after many years of struggling financially, I decided that I had had enough! Are you with me? Are you ready to create a life of Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment? |
That is the Question!
In this video, And some people teach you to not have desires, or to repress and deny your desire, or somehow get to a desireless state, or to be reasonable and "realistic" about your dreams. But I would encourage you to be unreasonable and unrealistic about your dreams and not limit your dreams. And allow yourself to dream big, and allow the Universe to help you make those dreams come true! Because desire is not the cause of suffering, only desiring things that you don't believe you can achieve and believing you're not worthy, or not good enough, |
Everything is Spiritual And I show you how the freedom of understanding that nothing and no one is separate from Source, and nothing that anyone thinks, says or does, actually separates them from Source! And all of the contrast of life, of what we don't like and don't want, is what fuels our desire for improvement. The contrast of life is what fuels evolution and what insures our immortality. And even what ensures our fun! Because contrast gives us creators, a quest; and contrast births for us desires to create and achieve, and grow, and evolve. And when us creators are creating something new, when we are manifesting our desires into physical reality, that is when we are the happiest and most fulfilled, because we are fulfilling our purpose - which is joyful creation! |
Chasing Source
In this video But instead, has everything to do with how your attention is focused, which is allowing, or pinching yourself off, from the flow of the love of your Source, depending on if you’re focused in a positive or a negative direction. Because your Source is only ever focused in positive directions! Your Source is always and only focused upon the goodness of everyone, and is always focused upon what you like and want more of! And when you are focused in positive directions, based upon what you like, love and want, you feel good, because when you’re focused in positive directions, you can feel the love of your Source, because you are in vibrational alignment with your Source! But when you are focusing your attention upon what you don’t like and don’t want in your life, and the things you don’t like about your lover, child, parent, friend, etc, you will feel bad, because you are focused in the opposite direction as your Source! And you are out of alignment with your Source, You are the one who cut yourself off from the love of Source, because of your negative attention upon things you don’t like and don’t want. So, it’s not, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? It’s, “My God my God, why have I forsaken God? |
Are you ALL-IN on your Dreams? In this video, |
Optimal Affirmation Creation
In this video I give you How to use affirmations; when not to use affirmations; and even when not to use affirmations. |
Creation is 99% Thought and only 1% Action
In this video, I talk about And the key, is a positive mindset, that is focused upon achieving what you want, and taking inspired action, towards the achievement of those desires, rather than taking desperate, uninspired action, that is motivated by your desire to get rid of what you don't like and don't want in your life. So, the key to success is to always, focus upon what you want; take inspired action; |
The Feeling is the Destination
So, feeling good is what you really want, and if you can enjoy the journey of creation, then you are a vibrational match to your desires, |
The Business of the 21st Century
In this video I talk about what I feel is the most cooperative, supportive, equal-opportunity business in the world! And one of the very few businesses that the average person can get involved in, and in 2-5 years, be financially free! It's an industry that Robert Kiyosaki, author of, "Rich Dad Poor Dad", one of the most influential success and wealth creation books in history, has called, So, if you want more out of the life than the 9-5 grind, and you're open to doing a side gig, that could help you radically improve the quality of your life, |
Feeling Good Is My Primary Focus
An Affirmation Rampage... You are here for the joy of creating your desires into physical reality and delighting in your awesomeness! You are not here to prove your worth to deserve favor from anyone! Your worth is not in question! You are here for the joy of it because the Purpose of Life is Joy! And the Basis of Life is Freedom! And you have the creative power and the freedom to create anything that your heart desires! And the primary way that you can help others, if that is your desire, is to lead by example! By being the joyful, empowered creator that you truly are! The best way to help others be healthy, is to be healthy yourself! The best way to help others be prosperous and wealthy, is to be prosperous and wealthy yourself! (Being poor, does not help poor people prosper!) And the best way to help others be happy is to be happy yourself! |
How to have a magical day every day
Where I show you one of the most powerful master keys of success, which is to start every day with an "Hour of Power", |
The Master Keys to Happiness & Abundance And how to become a master of your own vibration, so that you are a vibrational match to your desires, which ensures their manifestation into your physical reality! |
Well, it's not too late to start! Contact me now at www.ILoveFreedom.info |
Contact me now at www.ILoveFreedom.info |
Need a Home-Based Lock-Down Business?
Did you lose your job because of the covid lock-down? Contact me now at www.ILoveFreedom.info |
How to get over your Fear of Selling & Rejection
In this video, All business is about providing value to improve people's lives, and the more value you can provide and the more people that you can help, Because, if you can't sell yourself and the services your provide, and sell the value that your product or services can provide to improve people's lives, then you're going to struggle financially your entire life, because there is zero leverage in straight 9-5 employment for you to provide enough value for people, Life and business, is all about "selling", or rather, influencing people and providing value to improve people's lives. And you can have the most amazing life-changing widget, or the most valuable and helpful service, or be the most amazing writer, or teacher, or parent etc., And you are depriving people of something priceless that could bless them and improve the quality of their lives! No one has a fear of selling! What everyone fears is rejection! What people fear is a loss of self-esteem because their self-worth is dependent upon others. What people fear the most is their friends, lovers and family withdrawing love from them and judging them! But basing your self-worth upon other people's opinions of you is a disempowered and ultimately, a completely unhappy way to live! Because if you haven't figured it out by now, it is an impossible, never-ending and completely stressful job trying to please everyone to maintain their favor! And it is not your job to please them in the first place, it is their job to please themselves! Being afraid of selling is a poor excuse to struggle and ultimately fail in life! So, it's time to get over your idiotic fears of rejection, and your fears of failure, and your fears of ridicule, etc., |
All Disease is Attracted, Not Caught!!!
In this video, Because happiness and health, go hand-in-hand! And the only reason you want to be healthy is because it feels good to be healthy! And every single thing in your life, whether that is disease or health, or abundance or a lack of abundance… And nothing that is not a vibrational match to your vibration, can assert itself upon you, including diseases like the "covid Virus"! If you're vibrating happy, then unhappy stuff can't stick their square peg in your happy round hole! So, be prepared for quantum empowerment as I show you how to vibrate happy and healthy, so that all you attract is more happiness and more healthiness! |
How the Corona Virus A Powerful and Positive Outlook on the so-called "covid Pandemic"
In this video I show you how contrast creates massive miraculous improvement. I show you how contrast is the fertile ground that causes evolution, growth, expansion and improvement, on all levels. How the lack of health, abundance and freedom we are experiencing, is birthing a massive growth and expansion of well-being, abundance and freedom! And how you can, not just survive, but how you can thrive and grow, and create for yourself and your family, the financial security and freedom that you desire and deserve! |
How to Get Rich & Have Fun Doing it The only real way to get rich, which is to experience the most fulfillment, is to have fun first! You don't get rich so you can have fun, you have fun so you can grow into the kind of person who is vibrationally rich, then you naturally become financially rich! And the most powerful leverage tool you have in order to ensure your financial freedom, is to provide an immense amount of value to improve the quality of people's lives! The people, products and companies that provide the most value and joy in people's lives are the ones who will always get the richest and who will always experience the most joy, freedom and fulfillment!
The Top 10 Keys to Create What You Want The step-by-step blueprint to consciously and deliberately create the joyful, abundant, healthy, wealthy and magical life you deserve and desire to be living! Daily rituals of success that are easy and fun to do, 1) Get clear on what you want!
If you're not taking direct control of your finances and building a side-business, and saving, and investing… And you can't rely on retirement benefits, because the money you will receive will be at least 40% less than what you're currently earning and that meagre income is certainly not going to give you the life of freedom that you desire and help you travel. So, take control of your finances and ensure your financial freedom for your future self by contacting me now at: www.IloveFreedom.info
Preparing your Vibration for Action Your life can become so much easier and more abundant as soon as you learn how to prepare your vibration first before you take action towards achieving your desires, rather than taking desperate inefficient action to get yourself out a rut! Learn to focus on what you want, rather than trying to get rid of what you don't want.
Your greatest point of power is to realize that you create every nano second of your life! Your greatest point of power is to realize that you are an immensely powerful creator of reality, And Source/God/the Entire Universe, wants you to achieve your dreams and desires!
Are you a YES person? Are you the kind of person who lives life courageously by saying YES to the wonders, beauty and challenges of life, to milk as much joy, clarity and growth out of life as possible? Do you say YES to what you like, love and appreciate to create more of those things in your life? Or, are you a NO person, living your life primarily in a state of fear and saying NO NO NO to everything you dislike, don't like and don't want, which only creates more of those things in your life? Well, if you're tired of struggling in life on so many levels, and you would like to create a life of Fun, Freedom and Fulfillment, then enjoy this video!
You have come to this earth to be a dreamer, and enjoy the deliciousness of your desires for improvement, And you are here to create those dreams and desires into physical reality and have fun doing it! What are you top 3 Dreams that you wish to create in your life?
Passive Income The absolute master key to achieving financial freedom is to have a ‘cash cow’, a business that has a life of its own that provides income every week, month and year, whether you are working or not! This is the key that all wealthy and successful people understand that provides the greatest gift of all – time freedom!
Be the Person Who Has What You Want In order to manifest anything, you want into physical reality, you’ve got to be that desire! You’ve got to feel that desire, and vibrate that desire and become that desire into physical reality! And you’ve got to model people who have what you want and who have been where you are!
Why is Network Marketing called the Business of the 21st Century? Robert Kiyosaki, one of the most influential success and business influencers, speakers and authors on earth, writer of the classic success book, And Robert Kiyosaki has written a book by that same name! Network Marketing is one of the few businesses on planet earth that literally anyone can get involved with, regardless of their education or income level, Most people have been trained to trade hours for dollars. And most people have not been trained to believe in themselves and believe that they can achieve freedom. But with the right Network Marketing business, and the right training and support, and with a high degree of self-belief, anyone can achieve the financial freedom they desire in this industry!
You are Awesome! You are Magnificent! You are Amazing! You are a Miracle!
Our mission in life is Joy & Freedom! We are here for the joy and fun of creation!
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Feel Good Instantly! 5 Sure-Fire techniques to feel good now, regardless of external circumstances and regardless if you have what you want or not. Because the key to manifesting your desires into physical reality is to get happy first! Because you don’t have any control over external circumstances. The only creative control you have is your own emotional state, and the only way to manifest what you want in your life, is to get happy now, because you can’t have a happy result from an unhappy journey!
Clarity! Get clear about what you want and why you want it and you will make your dreams come true! Perhaps the most important key of success that all wealthy & successful people have in abundance is CLARITY! Successful people are very clear about what they want and why they want it. And that gives them the confidence to create their dreams into physical reality. Clarity means being self-guided by your dreams and not allowing yourself to be distracted by what other people want you to do so they will feel better. Clarity is about focusing on your happiness first, then you have the freedom, they money, the power, the energy and the vitality to help others. But until you have that clarity and that "selfish" focus, you will have nothing to give anyone.
Common Traits of Successful How to become financially free by following people who are financially free and happy, If you want more fun, freedom and fulfillment in your life, then use these success traits as a way to guide yourself to achieve your dreams and desires.
The Questions are the Answers The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself! Ask yourself the right questions to become a master of solutions rather than a master of problems! |
The Get-Rich-Quick Scheme Series
Or, Reality isn’t what you think it is! Or, Reality isn’t really real… Your current reality is not really "current" reality! If you want to succeed in life and experience a life of fulfillment, So, to get what you want, you've got to feel good first! Then you will manifest what you want.
Regardless of how life appears, you are a winner! Whether it feels like you’re winning or not, you’re a winner! You were born a winner with the freedom and the power to create anything that you desire to create in your life! And regardless of how many dreams and desires you have created or have not yet created – you are winner, because you are in your own race, And you are either green and growing because you are learning and embracing the journey of creation… So, this video/video is to remind you that you are a winner and you can be, do and have whatever you want in your life! You are a champion and you can never fail and you can never get anything wrong, because there are no failures! There are only temporary outcomes, and life is always improving and evolving, because that is the nature of this universe! This is a universe of Well-Being and Abundance!
The Truth and Nothing but the Truth The “Truth and Nothing but the Truth” is an expose of why people lie and make excuses about why they can’t achieve their dreams and desires. And why most people repress and deny those dreams and desires and settle for mediocrity, to maintain the favor of other people. To maintain the fickle “love” that people dish out conditionally based on if you are acting in ways that please them or not. And how you can become imminently self-empowered to create for yourself a completely happy, healthy and wealthy life of complete joy and freedom!
The Key to Happiness is to be happy with what you have, but be eager for more! Wanting more without appreciating what you have is just a desperate attempt to get rid of your pain. And appreciating what you have, without wanting more, is denial of your creative nature and your natural state as a creator, to create more and better and grow and expand and improve everything! No matter how good things are, if you are connected to your creative nature, you will always want improvement. And if you're not acting on those desires for improvement, then you are not growing, but instead, you are decaying and dying, You can't help but desire improvement, the contrast of life ensures that! And, in the immortal words of Ray Croc, founder of the Mcdonalds Corporation, "You're either green and growing, or you're ripe and rotten".
How to Stop Struggling Or, How to build your fortune part-time, while you are making a living full-time. How to create a life where after 2-5 years of consistent and persistent effort, you now have passive residual income, Freedom can be yours if you make the right decisions and take the right actions,
Robert Kiyosaki's
Contact ME NOW! |
Seeing Through the Eyes of Source
That’s why we call it the Present! by ZaKaiRan
How To Create Real Prosperity In Your Life! By
How to Create More Abundance in Your Life?
How to Achieve Financial Freedom 4 Keys of Success By ZaKaiRan |
Three Master Keys of Success & Wealth By ZaKaiRan
To Avoid Pain or Pursue Pleasure? That is the Question! |
How to “Heal” your “Blockages” |
What is your Dream? - 1
by ZaKaiRan
Multi-Million Dollar Mindset If you want to succeed at anything in life, No matter what your dream is, you need a Multi-Million Dollar Mindset to create it and manifest it! You have to get money working for you, rather than you working for money!
The 5 Steps of Creation
The Love, Relationship & Sex Series
Be Happy & What You Want Will Come Series
Money, Wealth, Business, Success & Investing
is part of The Master Keys of Success & Daily Success Rituals Series
Fail Your Way to Success Series
The Goals & Dreams Series
The Power Series
5G & Electromagnetic Radiation Videos
End of Podcast Series's |
Testimonial: I also want to thank you again for the Hit and Run CD of you and Libbi Gorr. I have watched it often and it has not only reminded me how to laugh and talk fairey (which I do often now lol) it has also awakened me to self acceptance around my weight. thank you thank you thank you..... Watching Libbi is wonderful and I have found that I am wearing sleeveless T shirts etc and not worrying about my arms showing and I am begining to not worry about my "Stalker" in the words of Libbi.... So thank you thank you thank you..... I will keep watching it and learning the lessons... Jenny |