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Sign the Petition to Stop Whaling!

Love the Whales
Love the Whalers


Old World/New World
(External Technology/Inner Alchemy and Reality Creation)

Group Pod/Unity/Christ Consciousness
Love the Whales / Love the Whalers Meditation





For most of my life I have been communing with whales, Grey whales off the California coast, and Humpbacks off the coast of Australia. I have also communed frequently with my dolphin friends, some in captivity and others in the wild. Our divine communion has been extremely intimate in nature, and I consider them all my dear friends, not just spiritually, but also physically. I have touched and been touched by whales and dolphins, physically and spiritually. I have no fear of them at all, and I know that none of them would ever hurt me in any way. I have practically shnuggled whales, and plan to get so close in the future that I will literally be hugging them. Every year my confidence in swimming with them has grown so that I know how to swim as close as I can and not get hit by their dorsal fin or tail fin.

And I plan to swim with most every whale and dolphin species around the planet, including Orcas and the largest of them all, the Blue Whale. In general, I have had truly inspirational experiences swimming/snorkeling/diving with all the water creatures, including manta rays, eels, turtles, barracudas, sharks and all the fishies, crabbies, coralies…, in the Caribbean, California and in Australia. And absolutely divine experiences sailing upon mother ocean.

A few of my whale-loving experiences I have written about , (links & picture links below), and every year it gets better and better as the whales and new generations of whales become comfortable with us. 2008 was beyond awesome! I was playing mostly with juveniles, being a kid myself, who are quite curious and want to play all day. And every whale, and pod of whales is unique as we are and my experience with them is always amazing.

2004 was truly transformational. This profound experience was with two humpback whales, one male and one female, one of which I truly had a soul connection with and knew intimately. The other I didn’t quite know so well, and maybe had some issues about humans, who primarily swam on the other side of my close friend and myself.

It was obvious from the start that we knew each other, and he kept turning his white belly towards me, in a big open heart/body fashion. And I kept doing the same, spreading my arms and chest open; heart to heart, chakras to chakras… I have called this experience whale sex, because we kept linking chakras over and over again as one does with a lover when making love, chest to chest, heart to heart, body to body. We did this over and over again for seemingly hours, and my whale friends would not leave me alone. If I swam back to the boat, so that my friends on the boat could watch closer, they would swim after me every time.

We touched each other many times physically, (dorsal fin/hand/body), often intentionally, sometimes inadvertently, and always touched each other’s hearts. We were really linking fully on all levels. Our energy bodies merging; our minds communing as one mind; one body, one heart… My heart expanded larger than my whale friends whose bodies are as long as a house, as we played and frolicked and made love. I giggled and laughed non-stop, almost drowning myself. It was indeed a truly awesome experience, one that has truly solidified my connection with my whale friends and one that causes me to want more of this divine communion.

Because of my intimate connection with whales, the current precarious situation that exists for my cetacean friends in many parts of the world concerns me greatly, even though I know that everything is in divine order. Most people see the news, and these reports are quite removed for them, but the killing of my friends in the Antarctic and other places on the planet, hits directly in my heart and in my life, because these friends of mine migrate by my coast every year to calve in the warm waters of the great barrier reef, and everyone in Australia thoroughly enjoys their existence, physically, energetically and for some even financially. The whale watching industry here is big business. So these terrorists, who are still hell bent on murdering my friends are directly affecting us personally all here in Australia and everyone on planet earth.

What a dualistic world we now live in, where on one side of the world people are rescuing whales in the Thames; freeing humpbacks from nets (story links below); and the majority of the world completely supports the life and protection of whales, dolphins and all animals on earth. And at the same time there are Japanese whalers, (and a few other countries: Iceland, Norway, Faroe Islands…), backed by multinational fishing corporations, who are killing our beautiful cetacean brothers and sisters for sushi houses across Japan, while the politicians and media turn a blind eye. Unfortunately these people who could be doing something about these acts of piracy and terrorism are as disconnected and compassionless as those poor souls that are doing it. And because most people are disconnected from their hearts and love, they don’t care. As usual, the common perspective is “if it’s not in my face and directly affecting my life, then why should I be concerned about it”? And we who care and desire to commune with and play with whales, rather than eat them, generally feel quite helpless to stop the slaughter or do anything about the inhumanities that happen on this planet. But fortunately we can do something that is more powerful than any act of resistance or protest, and that is the power of Love.

Love is our true power, not petitions and lobbying and boycotting and demonstrating and fighting…, to try to convince politicians and people that what these ignorant suffering souls are doing is obviously and completely unsupportive to all life, and even basically economically destructive. Our power lies in our ability to not only Love whales, but to Love those beings who wish to kill them and who are doing so right now. To Love these humans (who are disconnected from Love and God and truth and compassion and true reality…), as much as we Love our cetacean friends. Because even while they are being killed, our whale friends are still loving those men on those ships harpooning and flaying their beautiful bodies. Our power, which is the same power of our whale friends, and why we Love them and want to protect them so much - is their ability to Love, to Love unconditionally and wholeheartedly without any reservation or judgment.

I know intimately how loving whales are and the fact that they would never try to hurt anyone for any reason, unless you were trying to kill them or their young. They are so loving that they graciously give their lives and bodies up to these whalers and to humanity to continue giving us the same choice that Mother Gaia keeps giving us, and God gives us, which is the choice of fear or Love; life or death… It’s your choice. Everyone is the creator of their reality, the master of their destiny. And we have the freedom to create any reality we desire.

That’s how wonderful this planet is, that we have all been given the unconditionally loving choice to create whatever reality we like. What a great planet we have been granted permission to play upon, where we can play good guys or bad guys, or anything in between. Where we can experience the extremes of darkness as well as the extremes of Light and Love. Where you can choose heaven or hell, or anything in between.

Even in the presence of unconditionally loving creatures, the Japanese and other whale killers resist Love and life and choose fear and death instead. They choose survival and control and greed over prosperity and surrender and cooperation. They choose hell over heaven. And we can help them by loving them no matter what choice they make. By loving them no matter what acts of terror and murder they do. Love them even though they are killing our best friends. Unconditionally Love them as God-Goddess does, no matter what! And release our judgment of them, because they are part of our one soul, and hating them is hating a part of ourselves. And release our condemnation of them, because we have done as bad and probably worse things to many creatures in our many lifetimes. We must Love these beings because their negative ego, the matrix/illusion of separation that they have created around them, has self hatred for itself, or rather, suffers from the illusion that it is not divine and is unworthy of Love, being Loved and unworthy of God’s Grace, which is why they do what they do. Our hate and judgment supports their illusion that they are not Love, that they are unworthy… But our love shatters this illusion and reveals the truth.

We must Love them because this our natural state. And their natural state is also Love, that is hidden deep beneath their external projection of hate and control and greed. We are all absolutely unconditional Love, anything else is a delusion of separation and the lie of unworthiness, the glue that holds this world of separation, denial, survival and competition… together. We must Love them because it is our job to help them get out of hell. To rescue them from the abyss by not keeping them imprisoned with our hate.

They are disconnected from Divinity, from Love, from Life… Their lives are conflict and control. Their lives are completely based upon unworthiness, and proving their worthiness. And powerlessness, and proving that they are not powerless by acting powerful and controlling. Why else would they be so hell bent on destroying something so beautiful, loving, gentle and powerful. When you are resisting your true nature, you try to destroy anything that resembles that nature. When you feel powerless, you try to conquer gentle and powerful things. When you feel helpless, you victimize other creatures and people to feel in control. When you feel like a victim yourself, you try to deny this feeling by acting aggressive and victimizing others.

But I know that whales are gentler than most humans I have met. This is true power, which is the key that these deluded souls are really searching for, they just don’t know it yet. But we do, we know where true power lies – it is in loving and being Love; being the Love that we truly are – no matter what. It is in loving the most evil acting whale slaughterer, and the most lying deceiving destructive disconnected politician, CEO, corporation…, no matter what!

Our power is knowing that all these beings who act so destructively to everyone, are acting this way because they are suffering from self judgment and self hatred, and they are fighting to deny their suffering and push away these feelings with greed and malice. They are fighting to not feel their feelings of “I am helpless/powerless…” , “being lesser than”; and “I’m not good enough”; and “I am unworthy of Love, or being Love, or being Loved by God…” They are fighting to maintain the empire of the ego, the empire of separation and control. They are fighting desperately to maintain an old decaying world that is crumbling more and more every second. They are putting off the decision that everyone is being confronted with daily, which is to give up the fight, to stop denying that they are Love, and one with all life. But they do not want to do this, because then they would have to admit that their entire lives have been a lie, with little or no authenticity and real meaning. But in truth it has served their soul, and the wholeness. And by learning the truth and through forgiveness, huge soul growth is possible.

We must also realize that this is just the role that they have graciously decided to play in the big play, for All-That-Is, and be grateful that they have chosen that role, so that you don’t have to. (See related article The Position Teams and the Transition Teams - The Reality Creators and The Reality Dismantlers)

They cannot even see an alternative to the destructive world they have created and fight to maintain, because they are lost souls, lost in hell, lost in their self denial and their unconscious perception that they are bad, evil… They are lost in a matrix of fear. Fear is their only reality and anything outside of this survival bubble of competition, territory and sex, (who believe only in what they can touch as being real), is rejected as fantasy or unreal. And we must realize this and have compassion for these beings who suffer so greatly. Because how else could these beings act so despicably.

These egos who hate themselves, want conflict so that they can be top dog. They especially want us to feel helpless so that they can feel powerful. They want us to feel like victims, so that they can get our attention and steal our energy. Because negative egos want only energy and power, and will take even hate energy rather than nothing. They unconsciously want our hate/attention, condemnation and conflict, which supports their reality of separation and their unconscious belief that they are indeed unworthy, evil, bad… . Unworthy of being Loved, by us, by God… We must see the truth, to see what is hidden behind the façade. To see beyond the projection and images, beyond the illusion/matrix of lies and control.

We must see the Love that these beings truly are, as a divine service to our brothers and sisters who are struggling with making the choice to awaken and let go of their self hate. Or who act righteous and believe that their acts of aggression and destruction are justified, but who deep down, know that what they do is not in anyone’s true interest, or even their own true desire. We must have compassion for them and release our judgments of them to shatter the illusion of their illusion of separation and unworthiness.

It takes a lot to maintain the empire of denial, control, competition and survival. And the religions, politicians and corporations, and everyone who supports the old world, is fighting for it’s survival. They are fighting for control of their lives, for their lion’s share of the carcass. Fighting to earn or learn their way into heaven or who gets to rule in hell. And they don’t want to let go of this control because then they would have to feel regret and shame, and finally feel their suffering, which caused them to act so despicably in the first place. But feeling this fully is truly their redemption and salvation, because once they allow themselves to experience the suffering, what is discovered is that none of it was real. None of the feelings of unworthiness, or powerless, or “I’m not good enough…”, were real. And when all the shackles of illusion are released, healed and forgiven, then all that is left is the one true essence – Love. So allowing themselves to feel everything that they are desperately trying to deny, is the key to redemption and freedom. Surrender is the key, surrendering everything up to God-Goddess, so that everything may be transmuted to the Light of Love.

Therefore, Love thy neighbor as you would Love yourself. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Which means, if you were a lying killing bastard, you would want others to Love you and not judge you, even though you are a lying killing bastard. Of course this is everyone’s subconscious desire, to be Loved, unconditionally. The sooner everyone realizes this fact and the fact that everyone is Love, the sooner we will have heaven on earth.

So Love yourself first, then Love others, because by loving yourself, you will be able to Love others. If you judge anyone for any reason, you are judging yourself, or that aspect of yourself, or that aspect of the Isness, of which you are a part and a whole of this Isness. If you cannot Love the whale killers, then you are really unable to Love yourself, because they are a part of you, from a higher self/monad/soul group consciousness perspective. They are you expressing yourself as God through that expression. You are All-That-Is, expressing itself as that individual aspect of expression/creation. Everyone is God-Goddess-All-That-Is, expressing itself as that expression/creation of the All-That-Isness.

There is nothing that is not God. There is nothing that is separate from God-Goddess. But we are unconditionally allowed the illusion that we are separate or can be separate. This is the gift of free will. If you judge the behavior of others, then you must help those aspects of yourself that judges itself to forgive itself and others. It is easy to Love even the most wretched of creatures if you Love yourself, no matter what they do, and when you can see beyond the illusion and projections, into the core Love essence of their beingness, that is desperately waiting to be seen.

There is nothing and no one that is judged in any way by God. There is no real condemning force in the universe. (Unless you want to play the game of being that condemning force). There is no such place as hell or purgatory for recalcitrant souls, “sinners” or for “evil” people (because there is no such thing). But we are graciously and unconditionally given the free will to create hell in our lives or even to create a dimensional space to punish ourselves or be punished by someone else, if we so desire, and feel that bad about ourselves.

If you can Love the whale killers as much as you Love whales, then you already live in heaven, even if they kill them all, which would be hell, but you would still be in heaven. (I know it’s a paradox, but don’t try to figure it out or you’ll go crazy).

Old World/New World
(External Technology/Inner Alchemy and Reality Creation)

Do not be disheartened by the rampant destruction and disregard for life that is still prevalent on earth. It is all part of the exploration of separation, but a new civilization is dawning, and the energies of control and those people fighting for this control, are diminishing and the time left to still play the games of control, power and destruction, is quite limited. They are just doing their best to get in as much control as they can, before it’s too late. The choices are now limited; choose Love and light, or continue with fear and darkness. And the cabal of darkness will do it’s darndest to wreak as much havoc as it can to try to maintain their empire. But their blatant acts of terror and disregard for life, is forcing the masses to wake themselves up from their complacency and denial because the acts of aggression and control are so blatantly obvious that even the most ignorant and numb person can see what they are doing.

Everyone is creating a new world, no matter what their actions look like. Even the destructive religious zealots, politicians and corporations, are in their sick way, facilitating the creation of the new world of cooperation/unity/Christ consciousness, by forcing us to choose alternatives to their greed. For some people it is their soul’s desire and karmic job to try to make changes within the old world. In some cases, by trying to convince others that they should stop doing what they are doing because it is destructive and no longer supported by the majority; that they should value life; save whales; save dolphins; save trees; save the earth… Which is needed, because for some, this is how they will change, by being influenced by others. But everyone must change on their own, with their own free will.

If it is not your Soul’s desire to make change in this way, then leave this job to them; support them, Love them and thank them for this divine service towards the ascension of planet earth. And if it is not your job to try to maintain the old world of separation by being a complete bastard, then leave this job to them; support them, Love them and thank them for this divine service towards the ascension of planet earth. And if neither of these jobs are your soul’s desire, then perhaps your mission is a more internal approach. And perhaps your mission is not about maintaining or changing the old world, but about creating a completely new one that has very few resemblances to the old one.

To do this, we must keep envisioning this new world and channeling the blueprints that we brought with us in our souls. And we must do everything within our lives to create this new world of cooperation/unity/Christ consciousness based on this blueprint and vision. We must keep envisioning a new world where everyone values all life and wouldn’t even think of killing anything. We must surround ourselves with like-minded individuals and groups to increase our creative power and true prosperity with the use of inner alchemy and group consciousness. Inner alchemy is a trillion billion zillion times more powerful than any physical action or external technology. And we must not be continually swayed by the matrix to fight and resist. We must not fall into the traps of victimhood, for we are not victims and we are not powerless. We are power itself, and those that crave power and who hoard wealth to feel powerful, don’t even know what power is.

Altering reality on individual and planetary levels all begins in the same place, within our hearts. Nothing is created from any other space, certainly nothing real. Your divine power lies in your choice to choose Love over fear, in every moment. To choose prosperity over lack. To choose honor and inclusion rather than rejection and exclusion… Your divine power is in your choice to Love when you are surrounded by hate and destruction.

You cannot control the world. If you try to control the world, you are implying that it is faulty, wrong, evil, helpless, powerless, unworthy… Your judgment and projections victimize it and the universe unconditionally rearranges itself to help you continue creating a faulty world based on your perceptions that it is faulty. So it will never improve. It sees that what you have determined to be real is the world is screwed up and people are screwed up. So you will always be surrounded by screwed up people and your life will continue to be screwed up. Your actions imply that what they are doing is wrong, therefore you are acting as their condemning force, as their angry judging God. What they are doing may be limited, it may be separate oriented, it may be destructive…, but in the big picture, there is nothing wrong with anything they are doing.

And there is no such thing as evil! There is no such thing as sin! There is only suffering and the denial of suffering, which is acted out destructively. So your attention upon the old world, continuously creates the old world in your life and supports the continual creation of an imbalanced world with all of it’s faults.

And your attention on creating a new world of divine cooperation/prosperity/unity…, with this being your sole/soul focus and perception, and your creative life-force being focused on this creation, (rather than changing the old world), is seen by the universe of creation as your primary reality, so it will graciously give you more of this, because whatever you are most fascinated with is what you are implying is real, and the Universe sees this and gives you more of this. (For more info about reality creation please see my many reality creation articles at ZaKaiRan’s Articles and Books )

And anyone that experiences someone trying to control them or change them or judges them, they naturally resist those actions and projections. Because no one wants to be judged, and no one wants to be controlled. And no one wants to be seen as being wrong, or bad or evil. And no one wants to be seen as helpless or powerless… This is the nature of control dramas. (For more information, please see my article entitled “control dramas” on my website).

You cannot change the world with your actions. It may appear that you can make changes by your actions, and we are taught that that is the only way to do so, but the changes are really taking place because of your creative power, because of your energy and intention. Nothing exists or is created in the world of form without first being envisioned from within. Therefore, our most potent creative power, is our divine vision/intention/desire… - (Inner Alchemy)

The most affective way to change the world around you, is to change the world within you. And the most affective way to influence your divine family who resist waking up and deny that they are Love, is to just be your true self - Love. Then you influence them just by being you, without control, without judgment… They are affected just by seeing you in joy, empowered without having to act any certain way, without manipulation or trying to convince them of anything… They are affected by the fact that you are able to live an inspired miraculous life, without typical struggle and without trying to prove yourself to anyone and having to sell your soul to get what you want. They are affected through the law of Divine Resonance, whereby those beings who are open to change, naturally resonate with our frequency, and are attracted to our frequency. And those beings who are drastically resistant to change, are repulsed by this same force, because our reality is contrary to and undermining to theirs.

“God-Goddess-All-That-Is, please grant me the divine awareness, courage and ability to take full responsibility for everything that has ever manifested in my life as a direct manifestation of some part of my consciousness, aspects and soul. To accept the fact that I am indeed a creator and co-creator of reality, through my attention, intention, perception/pictures of reality, expression and interactions, and through/from every aspect of my beingness (soul and genetic lineage). And grant me the serenity to accept all those things that are not within my creative control or direction from Spirit to change; the courage and creative power to gracefully shift anything to higher realities, that is not in alignment with my Soul, and the Divine Wisdom to know the difference.”

Group Pod/Unity/Christ Consciousness

The shift taking place on planet earth is a shift to group consciousness. A shift from individual, lack oriented, survival, competition orientation, to a group prosperity cooperative orientation.

Dolphins and whales live, breath, sing and exist in pod/group/unity/Christ consciousness. This is another gift that these divine beings offer us. Humans also congregate in pods, but these tribal groups are co-dependently built, more often than not, out of fear and survival mentality. And they are based upon reality agreement and energy exchange, because humans do not typically realize that they are love and energy and that they are connected to the unified field of love and energy, which is freely available, and that they do not need to trade and steal energy and love. Whales and dolphins function interdependently as a pod with one mind, and at the same time, individually as masters, as divine souls. And whales and dolphins realize that they are completely interconnected with each other and even with humanity as one giant pod of love-light.

This is the main reason that many of the egos upon this planet have little or no regard for these divine creatures, or any living creature for that matter. The ego is only interested in the survival of the individual, and is only interested in aligning to groups if they help with the survival of the individual. The ego is basically a conglomerate of illusions, memories and limited fearful beliefs from past experiences, from this lifetime and others. Until the ego is enlightened into 5th dimensional Christ Consciousness awareness and unified with all life, it experiences a reality (feels) that it is disconnected from unity consciousness, from God-Goddess, from divinity… This unification is accomplished through divine forgiveness and karmic absolution. It occurs gracefully by unconditionally loving, and befriending all these aspects of the soul that make up the “ego”, that are stuck in fear and lost in past trauma, and by helping all these parts of ourselves forgive the experiences from the past, forgive the people from the past, and forgive themselves. (Please see my articles: Ego1&2 - True Job of the Ego & Ego Terrorism)

By attuning to the whales and dolphins, you will tap into this natural unified way of being, your true state of Unity/Christ Consciousness, and will naturally respect honor and have compassion for all life. You also naturally attune to earth consciousness and Mother Gaia, because whales and dolphins are the stewards of this planet for the maintenance of the health of the oceans, and unity consciousness on a global scale. You can hear and feel this tangibly in their song and in their presence. They also offer a connection to the starry realms of Sirius and their sister planets in the star system Sirius. If you have connection to this star system, you will naturally be attracted to our cetacean family.

These beings exist in full consciousness, which is way beyond typical human awareness. So killing dolphins and whales is at least comparable to killing humans, but human life is not really valued by humanity any more than anything else, although they sometimes get a higher rating. Any act of destruction, rape, murder, war…, is an attempt to feel powerful, like God, or even more powerful than God, with the power to destroy. All of these control dramas are attempts to use external manipulation to get into heaven, to act like and be like Gods. It is also an attempt to kill God, because if you can kill a god, than that makes you a better god.

Even judgment is the same pattern, because “only God has the power to judge”. And all this time they are missing the truth that they are Gods! No one has to try to mimic God, or try to be like God, because everyone is God! And everyone would know this if they stopped and opened their hearts and cast off their shackles of shame, and discovered true power, the true God-force within, the internal alchemy of Love. You can’t get into heaven by busting your way in, you can only make it through the voidal gateways between the dimensions with Love. And you can’t carry any baggage with you on this trip, you can only get through naked, as a child, leaving all separation behind.

Value is an illusion. All life is God. All life, every single species, plant, bacteria…, has equal value in creation. The heart is the key. An open heart naturally respects, honors and values all life. Compassion is energetically, physically and chemically available, naturally, in those beings who have opened their hearts and who are determined to keep them open.

Compassion is lost more and more every time anyone takes a life, or even partakes in the taking of lives, such as eating animals and abused foods, such as non-organic and genetically modified foods. Compassion is regained by opening one’s heart to all life, including those beings who kill our friends and family. We must especially have compassion for these souls who are disconnected from Pod consciousness, and disconnected from Love. We pray for them to once again open their hearts to the Divine Love within and the Light that they truly are.

In Love/Unity/Christ/Pod/Whale/Dolphin/HUman Consciousness

I AM ZaKaiRan AatKa’Nui SheeHan (Dolphin-Whale-Christ-Man)

Love the Whales / Love the Whalers Individual Meditation

As you are guided through this meditation, take your time to use your divine imagination and visualize every step, to truly see the love within all of these divine beings, the whales as well as the humans.

Begin now, by seeing, hearing and feeling our dolphin and whale family. I call upon my dolphin/whale nature to descend into me now, to be fully embodied and felt within my being.

"I call upon my dolphin/whale nature to descend into me now, to be fully embodied and felt within my being.

And I call for all dolphins, whales and Mer people in dolphin, whale, Mer and human bodies, to join with me now in this group meditation, and all beings who Love the water. And I call upon all the water Devas and fairies. And I call upon Mother Gaia to be with I as I connect in Divine Union with you our Mother, and the Divine Mother, and connect to Water Consciousness, the High Council of Water Beings, and all creatures within this big beautiful blue world.. And I connect to all of humanity as one pod, in Unity/Christ Consciousness. We are ONE!

I send infinite amounts of Love, divinity, compassion, forgiveness and joy to all of our whale and dolphin friends and all the animals, plants…, on this planet. And I send infinite amounts of Love, divinity, compassion, forgiveness, peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy to all the Japanese whalers, to the Sea Shepherd Society and all earth support organizations and their supporters, and whale/dolphin Lovers and life Lovers.

And I call upon all beings upon mother earth, to lend their divine Love, power, intent and prayers for all those beings still exploring separation. And I call to all those beings who are disconnected from Love and compassion and pod/group/unity consciousness; who hate themselves; feel unworthy, powerless, helpless, unloved, unlovable… And I call to all of the dolphin and whale killers and those beings who support their killing and eat their flesh or feed their meat to their animals.

I see the Love that you truly are, and I release my judgments of you, and forgive myself for condemning and judging your behavior. I love you no matter what you have ever done in any lifetime! I love you no matter what you have done to me or anyone or any thing else, or will do to me, or any other being or creature.

And if it is your soul direction to reconnect to oneness, to Love Unity/Christ/Pod Consciousness, I pray that you are easily and gracefully assisted to do so, and I welcome you to join us in pod consciousness.

I call upon the Karmic Board for Karmic Absolution, Divine Forgiveness and Healing for you all. I call for the Law of Forgiveness, for waves of forgiveness to flood your divine souls! I call upon Divine Grace and ask you to let go and release all of your fears, anger, shame, guilt, regret, judgment..., and forgive yourselves.

I call upon the Emissaries of Light, the whales and dolphins, the Ascended Masters, the Angels and the Divine Mother, for divine healing dispensations, so that you will all remember, recognize and honor your Divine Magnificence! And I call to the Angels for an Angelic Activation for you all to let go of all the vows and agreements they have made to limit their love and disconnect from the wholeness, from God-Goddess…

And I remind you now, that you are all Love! You have never been anything but Love, no matter what you have done or how you have acted. You are all immortal divine souls, and never has there been a time when you did not exist! Never has there been a time when you were not loved! There is no divine judgment! There is no condemning force! There is no hell! All is forgiven! You are Divine Forgiveness! I am Divine Forgiveness! We are Divine Forgiveness! All healing is gracefully and easily accomplished through Divine Forgiveness! All is forgiven!

I release all of my judgment of you and forgive myself for this! And I forgive you all for killing my friends! I Love you no matter what! I also forgive myself for all of the animals I have killed or supported killing, across space, time and dimension. And I ask for karmic absolution and forgiveness for myself and all of my souls, soul extensions, and all soul aspects, across space time and dimension, in relation to all animals and humans we have killed or hurt in any way."

Love the whalers

Now see the Love within these Japanese whalers in the Antarctic who are killing Minke whales; and see the love within those fisherman who slaughter dolphins at Futo Japan; and fisherman who kill dolphins in their fishing nets; and the Faroe Islanders (off the coast of Denmark) who slaughter Pilot whales; and the whalers of Iceland… And see all whale killers from any other countries, and all hunters of all types on the planet who ruthlessly and frivolously kill, sell and enslave animals all over the planet, and all those beings who mistreat and abuse planet earth in all the countless ways…

See them all. Feel your feelings, but release your judgment! See the light deeply within their hearts! See beyond the façade, the projection. See beyond the fear, the anger, the ignorance and the arrogance. See behind the mask that they use to hide themselves from the Love they truly are and to hide themselves from us seeing their divine essence. See beyond the images of killing and hate and fear, to the very essence of their being, into the core of their being. See their true essence of Love that they truly are. See the light that pores forth from their hearts through the illusion, through the walls of denial and repression that emanates out from the anger and illusion of control and power.

"I now send you an infinite amount of Love from deep from within my heart, as I channel Voidal Energy/Divine Mother Love to you all, and Gaia Love from the core of the earth!"

Now tell them that you Love them!

"I Love you all, no matter what you do!
I Love you all, no matter what you done!

You are my brothers and sisters! I Love you no matter what!
We are one heart! One Soul! One Family! One species!
There is no difference between you and me! We are ONE! I Love you!

We are all ONE! I Love you all!
We are all ONE! I Love you all!
We are all ONE! I Love you all!

I Love you all! I Love you all! I Love you all!

And now we wrap you all in our Golden Angelic Wings of Love and welcome you back into the Heart of Love.

We Love you all unconditionally! Now and Forever!


Golden Wings of Love!



P.S. If you have difficulty releasing your anger and judgment of the whalers,
then you are having difficulty with some aspect of yourself that has done terrible things, or has experienced much trauma, loss and abuse. Call in these aspects of yourself from your soul and genetic lineage and ask them to forgive themselves and the beings associated with these lifetimes. Ask for karmic absolution from the Karmic Board and for an Angelic Activation, call upon the Voidal energy/ Divine Mother… And ask your souls, soul extension and aspects to be surrounded by Love cocoons. And release any vows and agreements associated with these lifetimes that are holding that aspect of self in that pattern. (Vow and agreement release technique available in the mini Ascension Master’s Toolkit). (For more information and powerful techniques of soul healing, please see the Mini Ascension Master’s Toolkit and the Ascension Master’s Toolkit

Another thing to do, is to go within and feel and see those places where you feel unworthy, evil, bad and a sinner…, and helpless, powerless and a victim. And where you have acted out in anger and been hurtful and destructive, and forgive yourself and all those beings who “caused” you to react strongly. And see the whaler within. Feel yourself as a whaler, as a hunter. Enjoying the hunt and the kill. Feel yourself as this person. Feel yourself experiencing “power” by killing… Enjoy being these people, these aspects of self. And forgive yourself and all aspects of yourself for all these types of behavior, knowing that there is nothing to forgive.

The true pathway is an internal process of surrender of personal will to divine will. And a process of forgiveness. All healing, redemption, reconnection, enlightenment, awakening, ascension… is accomplished easily and gracefully through Divine Forgiveness.

Forgive all, Love all! Help ever, hurt never!

See other related articles: "Surrender of Control - The Ultimate Key to Enlightenment"… and many other articles at ZaKaiRan’s Articles and Books )

Love the Whales / Love the Whalers Individual Meditation

As you are guided through this meditation, take your time to use your divine imagination and visualize every step, to truly see the love within all of these divine beings, the whales as well as the humans.

Begin now, by seeing, hearing and feeling our dolphin and whale family. I call upon my dolphin/whale nature to descend into me now, to be fully embodied and felt within my being.

I call upon my dolphin/whale nature to descend into me now, to be fully embodied and felt within my being.

And I call for all dolphins, whales and Mer people in dolphin, whale, Mer and human bodies, to join with me now in this group meditation, and all beings who Love the water. And I call upon all the water Devas and fairies. And I call upon Mother Gaia to be with I as I connect in Divine Union with you our Mother, and the Divine Mother, and connect to Water Consciousness, the High Council of Water Beings, and all creatures within this big beautiful blue world.. And I connect to all of humanity as one pod, in Unity/Christ Consciousness. We are ONE!

I send infinite amounts of Love, divinity, compassion, forgiveness and joy to all of our whale and dolphin friends and all the animals, plants…, on this planet. And I send infinite amounts of Love, divinity, compassion, forgiveness, peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy to all the Japanese whalers, to the Sea Shepherd Society and all earth support organizations and their supporters, and whale/dolphin Lovers and life Lovers.

And I call upon all beings upon mother earth, to lend their divine Love, power, intent and prayers for all those beings still exploring separation. And I call to all those beings who are disconnected from Love and compassion and pod/group/unity consciousness; who hate themselves; feel unworthy, powerless, helpless, unloved, unlovable… And I call to all of the dolphin and whale killers and those beings who support their killing and eat their flesh or feed their meat to their animals.

I see the Love that you truly are, and I release my judgments of you, and forgive myself for condemning and judging your behavior. I love you no matter what you have ever done in any lifetime! I love you no matter what you have done to me or anyone or any thing else, or will do to me, or any other being or creature.

And if it is your soul direction to reconnect to oneness, to Love Unity/Christ/Pod Consciousness, I pray that you are easily and gracefully assisted to do so, and I welcome you to join us in pod consciousness.

I call upon the Karmic Board for Karmic Absolution, Divine Forgiveness and Healing for you all. I call for the Law of Forgiveness, for waves of forgiveness to flood your divine souls! I call upon Divine Grace and ask you to let go and release all of your fears, anger, shame, guilt, regret, judgment..., and forgive yourselves.

I call upon the Emissaries of Light, the whales and dolphins, the Ascended Masters, the Angels and the Divine Mother, for divine healing dispensations, so that you will all remember, recognize and honor your Divine Magnificence! And I call to the Angels for an Angelic Activation for you all to let go of all the vows and agreements they have made to limit their love and disconnect from the wholeness, from God-Goddess…

And I remind you now, that you are all Love! You have never been anything but Love, no matter what you have done or how you have acted. You are all immortal divine souls, and never has there been a time when you did not exist! Never has there been a time when you were not loved! There is no divine judgment! There is no condemning force! There is no hell! All is forgiven! You are Divine Forgiveness! I am Divine Forgiveness! We are Divine Forgiveness! All healing is gracefully and easily accomplished through Divine Forgiveness! All is forgiven!

I release all of my judgment of you and forgive myself for this! And I forgive you all for killing my friends! I Love you no matter what! I also forgive myself for all of the animals I have killed or supported killing, across space, time and dimension. And I ask for karmic absolution and forgiveness for myself and all of my souls, soul extensions, and all soul aspects, across space time and dimension, in relation to all animals and humans we have killed or hurt in any way.

Love the whalers

Now see the Love within these Japanese whalers in the Antarctic who are killing Minke whales; and see the love within those fisherman who slaughter dolphins at Futo Japan; and fisherman who kill dolphins in their fishing nets; and the Faroe Islanders (off the coast of Denmark) who slaughter Pilot whales; and the whalers of Iceland… And see all whale killers from any other countries, and all hunters of all types on the planet who ruthlessly and frivolously kill, sell and enslave animals all over the planet, and all those beings who mistreat and abuse planet earth in all the countless ways…

See them all. Feel your feelings, but release your judgment! See the light deeply within their hearts! See beyond the façade, the projection. See beyond the fear, the anger, the ignorance and the arrogance. See behind the mask that they use to hide themselves from the Love they truly are and to hide themselves from us seeing their divine essence. See beyond the images of killing and hate and fear, to the very essence of their being, into the core of their being. See their true essence of Love that they truly are. See the light that pores forth from their hearts through the illusion, through the walls of denial and repression that emanates out from the anger and illusion of control and power.

I now send you an infinite amount of Love from deep from within my heart, as I channel Voidal Energy/Divine Mother Love to you all, and Gaia Love from the core of the earth!

Now tell them that you Love them!

I Love you all, no matter what you do!
I Love you all, no matter what you done!

You are my brothers and sisters! I Love you no matter what!
We are one heart! One Soul! One Family! One species!
There is no difference between you and me! We are ONE! I Love you!

We are all ONE! I Love you all!
We are all ONE! I Love you all!
We are all ONE! I Love you all!

I Love you all! I Love you all! I Love you all!

And now we wrap you all in our Golden Angelic Wings of Love and welcome you back into the Heart of Love.

We Love you all unconditionally! Now and Forever!


Golden Wings of Love!


P.S. If you have difficulty releasing your anger and judgment of the whalers,
then you are having difficulty with some aspect of yourself that has done terrible things, or has experienced much trauma, loss and abuse. Call in these aspects of yourself from your soul and genetic lineage and ask them to forgive themselves and the beings associated with these lifetimes. Ask for karmic absolution from the Karmic Board and for an Angelic Activation, call upon the Voidal energy/ Divine Mother… And ask your souls, soul extension and aspects to be surrounded by Love cocoons. And release any vows and agreements associated with these lifetimes that are holding that aspect of self in that pattern. (Vow and agreement release technique available in the mini Ascension Master’s Toolkit). (For more information and powerful techniques of soul healing, please see the Mini Ascension Master’s Toolkit and the Ascension Master’s Toolkit

Another thing to do, is to go within and feel and see those places where you feel unworthy, evil, bad and a sinner…, and helpless, powerless and a victim. And where you have acted out in anger and been hurtful and destructive, and forgive yourself and all those beings who “caused” you to react strongly. And see the whaler within. Feel yourself as a whaler, as a hunter. Enjoying the hunt and the kill. Feel yourself as this person. Feel yourself experiencing “power” by killing… Enjoy being these people, these aspects of self. And forgive yourself and all aspects of yourself for all these types of behavior, knowing that there is nothing to forgive.

The true pathway is an internal process of surrender of personal will to divine will. And a process of forgiveness. All healing, redemption, reconnection, enlightenment, awakening, ascension… is accomplished easily and gracefully through Divine Forgiveness.

Forgive all, Love all! Help ever, hurt never!

See other related articles: "Surrender of Control - The Ultimate Key to Enlightenment"… and many other articles at ZaKaiRan’s Articles and Books )

©ZaKaiRan AatKa'Nui SheeHan

This article is copyrighted by ZaKaiRan, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included and nothing is deleted.

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Wow - over 900,000 of us against whale killing! The pressure is working but the next 72hrs are crucial, let's get to 1 million! Forward this email to everyone you know:

Dear friends,

The international vote that could legalize commercial whale hunting is hours away. 900,000 of us have signed the petition, and an Avaaz team is on the ground -- let's super-charge this campaign by hitting 1 million signatures! Click below to act now, then forward this message:

In 72 hours, the International Whaling Commission will hold its final vote on a proposal to legalize commercial whale hunting for the first time in a generation.

The outcome rests on whose voices are heard most clearly in the final hours: the pro-whaling lobby -- or the world's people?

More than 900,000 of us have signed the petition to protect whales -- let's get to 1 million!! At the whale summit in Morocco, an Avaaz team is setting up billboards, front-page newspaper ads, and a giant, constantly-updating petition counter -- all to ensure that delegates, from the moment they step off the plane until they cast their votes, will see from our explosive numbers that the world will not accept legal whale slaughter. Click to sign, and forward this email to everyone:


Thanks to the worldwide outcry, many governments have already pledged to oppose the proposal. Each time the Avaaz whale petition added 100,000 signatures, it was sent again to the IWC and key governments -- some of them thanked us, and Australia's environment minister is set to accept the petition personally in the midst of the tense talks.

But pressure from the other side has been relentless -- a newspaper investigation has triggered revelations about Japan effectively bribing small nations with aid. Other governments, especially in Europe and Latin America, could abstain... or even support the proposal. The vote could go either way.

Citizen pressure is our best hope -- and it's working. The whaling lobby expected to win easily, but thanks to actions like ours, champions of the ban are standing strong. It was an explosive worldwide social movement in the 1980s that led to the commercial whaling ban we're now protecting. Now civil society access to the talks is being limited, so this powerful petition campaign is a vital channel of worldwide pressure in the final 72 hours of negotiations.

Let's deliver 1 million signatures inside the talks before it's too late! -- sign now and spread the word:


After the global ban was first implemented on commercial whaling, the number of whales killed each year plummeted from 38,000 per year to just a couple of thousand. It's a testament to the power of humanity to move forward. As we move to confront the other crises of the modern age, let's cherish this legacy of progress -- by joining together now to protect our majestic and intelligent neighbors on this fragile planet.

With hope,

Ben, Ben M, Maria Paz, Ricken, Benjamin, David, Graziela, Luis, and the whole Avaaz team

P.S.: Despite the ban, Japan, Norway, and Iceland have continued whaling -- and are now pushing to make the IWC proposal as lenient as possible. Expecting permission to catch more whales than ever, Japan is reportedly planning to buy its largest whaling ship yet. Click here to sign the petition against commercial whaling!


IWC Voting on Whale Hunting Moratorium Next Week

"IWC whaling proposal 'offensive'", New Zealand Herald

"Flights, girls and cash buy Japan whaling votes" - a new exposé by the Times of London

The other side: IWC Chairman defends whaling proposal

"Nations Push To Develop New Whale-based Products" - anticipating the end of the whaling ban, whaling nations planning whale-based products including golf balls and detergent


Donate to this campaign! Avaaz's work on whales, like all its campaigns, is funded entirely by donations -- we receive no money from governments or corporations. Support the billboards and stunts at the whale summit -- click here to make a secure contribution!
Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.


Avaaz.org is a 4.9-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at www.avaaz.org/en/contact or call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US).

Related Links and Resources
Doly picys / Whale picys

Whale Articles by ZaKaiRan
911 Emergency
Close Encounters of the 5th Kind

Sea Shepherd International – www.seashepherd.org - Please support the Sea Shepherd Society and their ship the Steve Irwin, as they stop the Japanese whale killers in the Antarctic.

Stopwhalingnow.com - The International Fund for Animal Welfare

Please sign the Whales Revenge Petition to stop whaling.

They are trying to get a million people to sign this petition to stop whaling.

Go to: http://www.whalesrevenge.com/ sign the petition and play the video game. Unfortunately you can’t shoot the whaling boats. Maybe they’ll revise this game if you ask them. Whale/whaler Love, ZaKaiRan

Surfers for Cetaceans calls on surfers everywhere to support the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins and other marine wildlife, to protest whaling and the killing of threatened and endangered species, and to end the pollution of our marine environment.

Oceania Project - Volunteer whale research, Hervey Bay Australia - the longest running whale research project on planet earth - 11 years so far.

MarineConnection.org - UK - Dolphin and whale conservation and adopt a dolphin program

Green Peace

Whales coming into Sydney Harbour

Daring Whale Rescue - or at

Dolphintale.com - This is where you will find many things relating to the human fascination with dolphins, whales, porpoises, and our mutual destiny. There are sections relating to the Cetacean Studies Institute (CSI); to the book ""Souls in the Sea: Dolphins, Whales and Human Destiny".; and to the work of Scott Taylor, author and director of CSI. The full context of this site is found in the book, "Souls in the Sea: Dolphins, Whales and Human Destiny". Let us introduce you to the People of the Sea.


Healing Frequency in Animal Sounds - Scientific article

Thehungersite.com – visit to feed starving people


Rainforestjukebox.org - Free music tracks - visiting buys Amazon rainforest
- Help purchase privately owned virgin rainforest in the Daintree, far north Queensland Australia, to create wildlife corridors and protect the rainforest from development.


Friends of the Earth is the U.S. voice of an influential, international network of grassroots groups in 70 countries. Friends of the Earth has for...

World Wildlife Fund - Learn more about endangered species, the places where they live, threats to their survival, and how

Check out these two links they are totally funny, creative and powerful at the same time.

Grocery STORE WARS (extremely clever)

The MEATRIX - Tragically Funny - Support your local humane farmers