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ZaKaiRan’s Health Tips
Toxic Ingredient of the Month

Propylene Glycol

By ZaKaiRan

I offer you the “Toxin of the Month”, as a divine service, to educate yourself about the toxic ingredients that are routinely used in body, skin, oral & hair care products, cosmetics & food products. Profit driven companies who produce most of the products that people routinely purchase and use daily across the world, are not particularly interested in creating products that are actually good for you, because to make good quality, healthy, beneficial products, costs too much money. So, typically, body care products are made from synthesized chemicals, often made from petroleum, that give the appearance of helping, when in fact, many or most of these chemicals are low or high level toxins. These chemicals might be carcinogenic (cancer causing), mutagenic (damaging DNA), teratagenic (causing birth defects), toxic (poisonous), or at the very least irritant, are not regulated by the health “authorities”. And due to “greenwashing”, many consumers think they are buying a quality “organic” product, when in fact it is not.

Profit driven industries rely upon people’s ignorance, gullibility, complacency and lack consciousness orientation to sell their cheap products. Your personal empowerment and ability to affect planetary change, is in your hands, based upon your desire to educate yourself about what you purchase, what you put in and on your body, and what you take from and put on the earth.

Blessings of divine health, prosperity and empowerment!


(Greenwashing - Deliberately misleading consumers through false advertising using health oriented catch phrases, such as “natural” and “organic”, or including a microscopic amount of natural or organic ingredients, so that health oriented people will purchase the product, even though the product may not be healthy or organic at all).

Toxic Ingredient of the Month

Propylene Glycol / Butylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol is routinely used in many body care products. It is a highly toxic synthesized petroleum derivative that is the primary constituent in radiator fluid/anti-freeze in your car! It is technically classified as a carcinogen. It is a completely unnatural product that has no business being in any thing we put in or on our bodies, yet is allowed to be put in body care products because it is not “eaten”, but when you put things on your skin, they go immediately into the blood stream without being filtered by your normal detoxification systems, such as you liver.
Propylene glycol is found in tooth pastes, skin creams, soaps, moisturizers, conditioners, baby wipes, cigarettes, pet foods, etc.

Propylene glycol is classified as a humectant by the body care products industry, but its technical classification is as a Coolant and de-icer, it is an "industrial antifreeze" and the major ingredient in radiator fluid, brake and hydraulic fluid. Tests show it can be a strong skin irritant. Propylene glycol accumulates in the heart, liver and kidneys, (causing abnormalities and damage) and weakens the immune system.
Propylene glycol can provoke acne eruptions and can cause contact dermatitis. It penetrates the skin and can weaken protein and cellular structure.

Propylene glycol is also commonly used to make extracts from herbs, and is strong enough to remove barnacles from boats!

The EPA considers Propylene glycol so toxic that it requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles and to dispose of any PG solutions by burying them in the ground. Because Propylene glycol penetrates the skin so quickly, the EPA warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver, and kidney abnormalities. But there isn't even a warning label on products such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than in most industrial applications.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) on Propylene Glycol warn users to avoid skin contact as it is systemic and can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage.

For additional information about specific chemicals, (Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), see the University of Akron, department of chemistry, Chemical Database - http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/erd/

Here is the actual (Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), from the University of Akron, department of chemistry, Chemical Database - http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/erd/

Propylene Glycol Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

Health Hazard Acute And Chronic

INHALATION: May cause respiratory and throat Irritation, central nervous system depression, blood and kidney disorders. May cause Nystagmus, Lymphocytosis.

SKIN: Irritation and dermatitis, absorption.

EYES: Irritation and conjunctivitis.

INGESTION: Pulmonary oedema, brain damage, hypoglycaemia, intravascular hemolysis. Death may occur.

Propylene Glycol References:

Dangerous Beauty - Cosmetics & Personal Care - By Peter Dingle & Toni Brown
Available here Or Peter Dingle’s Website: http://drdingle.com/index.html

Toxic Ingredient Directory

How safe are the ingredients used in your current brand of skin care products?
How certain are you that they do not contain chemicals that could be harmful to you and/or your children?

If you are not sure, use this toxic ingredient directory and find out for yourself.

This information has been sourced from Material Safety Data Sheets (or MSDS), which is recognised as the international standard for providing safety information about chemical ingredients used by humans.

Note: If you cannot locate a particular chemical ingredient on this list or would like to research more ingredients, you can utilize the "SIRI Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)," online chemical database search facility from the University of Akron department of chemistry Chemical Database - http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/erd/

Nurture and Bless Your Body


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©ZaKaiRan AatKa'Nui SheeHan - All Rights Reserved

This article is copyrighted by ZaKaiRan, but you have my permission to make copies or share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included and nothing is altered in any way.

www.EarthAscensionTimes.com  /  www.ZaKaiRan.com

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