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NEW Audio Book by ZaKaiRan!!

The Master Keys of Quantum Empowerment!

Audio Book

by ZaKaiRan

The Aspirational Goals of Daily Mastery, that when achieved,
will help you create a state of infinite joy, well-being, abundance & fulfillment!

The Master Keys of Quantum Empowerment!
Audio Book by ZaKaiRan

$20 AUD

Dear God!

Audio Book
by God & ZaKaiRan

In this amazing and inspiring book, you ask the questions that you would love God-Source to answer, to get the story straight.
And find out what’s really going on down here on physical and especially spiritual levels.

So that you can discover what God-Source really is, to help you guide yourself and your life in more divine, joyful and abundant directions. And not be led down the proverbial primrose path by lost humans who want you to think like them, believe like them, and act like them, to keep them happy, and assuage their spiritual insecurities.

Dear God! Audio Book by God & ZaKaiRan
$20 AUD

The Magic of Believing in Yourself!

Audio Book
by ZaKaiRan

Or, you are and you will become, who and what you believe you can be!

Or, you are and will become, who and what you think you are!

And, you can be, do and have, whatever you believe you can!

The magic of believing in your priceless self-worth, your divinity, your immortality,
and believing in your unlimited power to create anything you desire!

In this amazing and inspiring book, I show you how to create whatever you want in your life, with the magical master key of creation, which is: believing in yourself, and believing in your unlimited power of creation.
And believing in the unlimited power of source, that you have within you!

Which is the power to literally create anything that you can bring yourself to believe!

Because you are who you believe yourself to be! And you become who and what you believe you can become!
And you will be, do and have whatever you believe you can!

And the key to creating whatever you want is to realize your priceless self-worth, your divinity,
and believe in the fact that you are God-Source in a human body!

And you can the entire universe backing you up and supporting everything you do, and everything you desire to create in your life!

The key is to understand that you are an immortal soul and you can never die!
And you never get anything done, because you are always creating more!

And you can’t ever get anything wrong, because of the fact that you are immortal God!
And God does not need to justify its actions to itself or any other God/human!

And because you are God, whatever you desire is instantly created for you vibrationally by your Source, without judgement of any kind!

And then, it’s your job, as a human god, to then turn that vibrational reality that your Source has created for you,
into a physical manifestation.

For the joy and fun of it! For the adventure of creation! Not to prove how awesome you are, but just for the fun of it!

So, the number 1 lesson is, you will always get more of whatever you are thinking about, because your most powerful tool is thought! Thought is what creates everything!

And because your thoughts create your reality, whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you’re right!
And your thoughts and believes make it so!

And the entire Universe graciously and unconditionally, will show you the results of your positive or negative thinking by how it manifests into your physical reality. And especially, how you feel about it!

So, enjoy my book, “The Magic of Believing in Yourself”.

The Magic of Believing in Yourself - Audio Book
$20 AUD

Ecstatic Relationships

Audio Book
by ZaKaiRan

How to Create Amazing, Loving, Joyful & Fun Relationships with everyone in your Life!

Ecstatic Relationships - Audio Book
$20 AUD

The Red Pill

Audio Book
by ZaKaiRan

How to free yourself from the matrix of illusion and limitation!
And free yourself from the limited beliefs and programs that make up that matrix

The Red Pill - Audio Book
$20 AUD

Myth Busting

Audio Book
by ZaKaiRan

18 Life, Relationship, Love, Spirituality & Money Myths Exposed & Shattered!!!

Busting the Myths that most people believe that are
sabotaging their Success, Joy & Abundance!

And Revealing the Master Truths to help you Create
the Happiness, Prosperity, Love & Fulfillment that you Desire!

Part 1 - Life, Relationship, Love & Spirituality Myths

Part 2 – Money Myths

Myth Busting - Audio Book
$20 AUD

Simple and Effective ways to Create a Stress-Free Harmonic Bubble of Blissful Energy,
so that you are no longer negatively affected by the damaging effects of
5G, Mobile Phone and other EM Frequencies & Radiation

from Electricity, Mobile Phones, Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Computers, Appliances, TVs, Smart Meters, etc. 

As well as above ground and underground Geopathic Stress from Electrical Transformers, High-Tension Powerlines,
TV/Radio/Mobile/Cell Phone Towers, Leylines, Hartman Lines, Vortexes, Radon, Underground Water and even Nuclear Radiation.

Send me your details to receive your free book!

FREE Book, Audio & Video Series

"The 9 Master Keys of Success & Freedom"

9 Success & Law of Attraction Secrets
to Eliminate What Is Holding You Back from Achieving Your Dreams!

Easy to follow Secrets of Success
to Help You Easily Create more Fun, Wealth, Abundance & Freedom in Your Life!

To help you consciously create
whatever you want to be, do or have in your life!

Click this link 
to receive your book immediately in Facebook Messenger

Or, if you are not on Facebook, go here and fill in your details

FREE Book & Video Series
The Top 10 Secrets of Success
& The Law of Attraction

To Easily and Quickly Manifest your Dreams and Desires into your Physical Reality
and Propel you to Inevitable Success & Freedom!

Click this link
to receive your book immediately in Facebook Messenger

Or, if you are not on Facebook, go here and fill in your details

FREE Copy of
The Mini Ascension Masters Toolkit

in PDF Format

Send me your details to receive your free book!

The Mini Ascension Master's Toolkit is a series of core techniques taken from my book:

The Ascension Masters Toolkit

An Ascension Manual of Epic Proportions

Energy Releasing, Healing, Activation
& Manifesting Techniques
& Meditations

for Co-Creating Higher More Divine Realities
in your life
and Embodying your Divine Magnificence!

To Assist you to Easily and Gracefully
Manifest your Vision of Heaven on Earth
and Activate your Divine Mission here on Planet Earth!

PDF Download
Ascension Master's Toolkit by ZaKaiRan
Complete Book
(Download Instructions)

Ascension Mastery 101

How to Co-Create Heaven on Earth
Recipes for En-Light-en-Ment

Recommendations on waking yourself up from the dream of survival, separation and limitation, to the True Reality of Divine Expression. To assist you in embodying your Spirit/Higher Self/ Overself/True Self/ Who you truly are... into your humanness to become a Cosmic Human. And helping you to remember and manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth!

Ascension Mastery 101 - Ebook
$7 AUD

The Seven Master Keys of Creation
The Seven Rays
of God-Goddess-Christ Consciousness

An Elohim Manifestation, Healing & Ascension Program

By ZaKaiRan

Aligning you to the Process of Manifestation & Creation
the 7 Steps followed by the Seven Mighty Elohim,
(The Creator Gods-Goddesses), for the Creation of all Life

Also Mastering the Seven Rays & the Power of Decree

For your Graceful and Easy Ascension,
& ability to Consciously Create
Heaven in your Life & Co-Create Heaven on Earth!

Supported by the Elohim, Archangels
& the Ascended Masters (the Chohans) of each Ray

To Order
The Seven Master Keys of Creation

PDF Download - $20AUD


Caja de Herramientas De Los Maestros de la Ascensión

Traducción al español

Un Manual de la Ascensión
de proporciones épicas


Liberación de Energías, Sanación,
Técnicas de Activación & Manifestación

Co-Crear Altas Realidades Más Divinas y La Incorporación de tu Magnificencia Divina

Para ayudarle a fácilmente y con gracia
Manifiestan su visión del Cielo en la Tierra
y activar su Misión Divina en el Planeta Tierra!

Descargar PDF
Caja de Herramientas De Los Maestros de la Ascensión
Por ZaKaiRan
Libro Completo (Vol. 1 & 2)
Traducción al español

(Instrucciones para la descarga)


Los Siete Pasos Maestros de la Creaciòn
Los Siete Rayos
De la Consciencia Crìstica de Dios-Diosa

Un programa de la Manifestación de la Sanaciòn y Ascensiòn de los Elohims

por ZaKaiRan

Alineándote con el proceso de Manifestación y Creaciòn,
Para la Creaciòn de toda la Vida

Dominando Los Siete Rayos Y El Poder Del Decreto
(Los 7 pasos que siguen los 7 poderosos Elohim, los Creadores de Dios-Diosa),

Para tu Graciosa y Fácil Ascensiòn y la Habilidad para Crear Conscientemente el Cielo en tu Vida Y Co-Crear el Cielo en la Tierra!

Apoyado por los Elohims, Arcángeles y Maestros Ascendidos (Los Chohanes) de cada Rayo!

Las siete claves maestras de la creación

Descargar PDF - $20AUD


Co-Create Heaven on Earth!